I haven't been fishing much due to how much school work i have had to do but i hopefully will be back out there in a few weeks. The weather is warming up and i'm keen to get out there!
Anyway, over a past 6 months i've been slowly working on a creating a fishing magazine. It got sent to print yesteday and i'm hoping to have it by monday. I posted up a while ago that i was going to create a fishing magazine and i knew it was going to be alot of work but i got it done. It ended up being 80 pages so i am happy with that.
I also had another major project i had to do in woodwork, so i built this chessboard coffee table using 100% recycled Tasmanian Oak and Jarrah and even used a milling machine to create 32 chess peices, really happy with the results of this project

So yeah, getting a gopro camera in a few weeks along with my licence and car (looking for one now) so things are looking good for me, i just want to go fishing haha, so expect alot of photos and videos in the coming months