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Fishing oz style > Chat > Gilligan's Island
Well guys since its been so quiet around here i thought i better make a post.

I haven't been fishing much due to how much school work i have had to do but i hopefully will be back out there in a few weeks. The weather is warming up and i'm keen to get out there!

Anyway, over a past 6 months i've been slowly working on a creating a fishing magazine. It got sent to print yesteday and i'm hoping to have it by monday. I posted up a while ago that i was going to create a fishing magazine and i knew it was going to be alot of work but i got it done. It ended up being 80 pages so i am happy with that.

I also had another major project i had to do in woodwork, so i built this chessboard coffee table using 100% recycled Tasmanian Oak and Jarrah and even used a milling machine to create 32 chess peices, really happy with the results of this project smile.gif

So yeah, getting a gopro camera in a few weeks along with my licence and car (looking for one now) so things are looking good for me, i just want to go fishing haha, so expect alot of photos and videos in the coming months
Goodonya Danny. Got an Ebook on hunting, half finished, but lost a bit of interest. When i was in yr 12, our major woodwork project was a shadow box, haha. Back then, everyone would have said, "what's a milling machine". Heck, electricity wasn't even invented and jumpy was making billy carts out of old baked beans tins.
good one Dan
p.s can i have the coffee table when you have finished with it ?????????????????????????????????????????? please
Do you want mine? It doubles as a foot rest.
There's a white spy in the black camp is that a new chess rule?
Danny. Well done young man, great to see you do what you said you was going to do, shows good charactor in a person. I wish you every success with the venture.
Where do old mates get a copy of the mag ?
Thanks guys

The tables staying in the house for good haha

If you guys would like a PDF of the magazine you are more then welcome to it, but if anyone has a tablet i'm trying to develop an eBook version of it
Nice work Dan, I cant remember year 12?
Jumpus GooDarus
How about doing a girly magazine ??

Pretty sure ewe can persuade kk & fed to do a centrefold spread laugh.gif laugh.gif
Jesus mate, who'd buy the magazine ? i don't think theres a target market for that haha
Jumpus GooDarus
kk & fed laugh.gif laugh.gif
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Aug 25 2012, 06:59 PM) *
How about doing a girly magazine ??

Pretty sure ewe can persuade kk & fed to do a centrefold spread laugh.gif laugh.gif

I do believe if a photo of jumpy, in his buggie smugglers were to be placed on the front page, it may help to swear people off magazines for life laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

oz man
Nice work on that chess set, you should be proud of yourself.
Jumpus GooDarus
Hows the book of parrots coming along poly laugh.gif
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Aug 27 2012, 07:18 PM) *
Hows the book of parrots coming along poly laugh.gif

it gos well great lord, it gos well

your most humble slave
now were is that knife sharpener
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