Jun 27 2012, 03:31 PM
I consider Fishing Oz Style as "my" home forum. It is dead as a dodo lately and only the same very few post anything or do so on other sites. Shame really.
Anyway, went for a fish on Monday to see what was around on the rock scene. We had some big seas a few weeks back when I was in central Aus and it was an eye opener to see how much sand is now gone from Jibbon beach. The bottom of the deer fence was at ground level and now sits a metre above it with loads of kelp hanging off it some 3m high. Today however, the swell was only a couple of feet high and the wind was from the west, so where I fish was going to be calm and protected by the high cliffs at my back.
A mate had made me a new ocean blackfish float from carbon fibre and machined weights on the stem. A huge overkill for a float but it looked really sleek and blingy. My two mates, whisperin Jack and Bob the bus driver were with me, but I was rigged up asnd ready to go while they were still putting their cleats on. Cast in and was on within literally 10 seconds. You beaudy I thought. In for a great session today. Nice fish into the keeper net. Well, he must have been the lone ranger because they were far and few between after that. The new float cast like a dream, pulling line off the centrepin with ease. Perfectly weighted too. Bob got a nigger and Jack caught about 6 cockies before finally landing a blackfish. The water was crystal clear and the swell was just a perfect size to create a decent wash but not be dangerous at all. Hardly got our feet wet. Loads of birds diving on bait about a klm out. Saw six separate pods of whales cruise north, close in to the rocks. What massive animals they are.
On one drift, my float just shot downwards and I was hooked in to a good fish. Got him in close and saw it was a pig of around 40cm. He took a dive under the ledge about 10ft out and pinged the line. My super duper float bobbed up a minute later and was last seen heading towards N.Z. I was tempted to bump Jack in and suggest he swim after it, but it was a bit cold. Lost another float to another pig and landed one a few minutes later.
It was a glorious day to be where we were and the fishing was just a bonus. I ended up with five niggers and a drummer, whilst Bob and Jack got one nigger each. We all got a few cockies each as well. They don't bounce high enough to drop kick back in. They always manage to swallow the hook though and the need to re-rig after landing one. Good to see that there are a few fish around and it will only get better as the month rolls on.
Jun 27 2012, 07:17 PM
Very few of us are going fishing i guess...
your the only one KKW
Jun 27 2012, 07:39 PM
Good to see someone fishing.
I started my radiation treatment today so will have to go in now every week day until 28th August, still gives me week ends and afternoons.
Forums in gereral have slumped, and more and more guys going over to facebook everyday, so I been told, don't bother with it myself.
Got rid of the jeep cause don't really need a 4x4 these days and got a commadore wagon, plenty long inough in the back to sleep comfortably so will only need small tent to store stuff in when i go away now.
Jun 28 2012, 03:06 AM
Nice report KK
I haven't had much time to go fishing due to the damn HSC, doesn't matter though cause my parents are getting me a vx/vy commy when i finish school and i'll be able to go fishing just about whenever i want with my tinny (as long as i'm not working)
Jun 28 2012, 04:34 PM
I've got nothing, hunkered down here burning dinosaurs through the A/C to keep warm.
Even a vegefish report is welcomed KK you've still got the mojo over your mates I bet it pisses them off.
Hope the radiation goes well for you Frank will it make your hair fall out, I can recommend Thinsulate Flex beanies they are much warmer than hair anyway.
Take note Poly & KK, man up & embrace your shiny heads!
A Commodore would feel like a Rolls Royce after driving a 4x4 bread box Frank.
One thing I am doing, after 10 years of abuse I noticed the old girl's box was looking pretty ordinary & starting to flake so I stripped her down gave it a good old rub up and a touch up and now it's looking brand new again.
Gotta put it back together again and reload the boat leaving half the junk out this time, I can't believe how much stuff gets left in it. Gone are the days of going fishing with a carton of beers and a couple of rods.
Not very exciting but I know everyone like pics.
Click to view attachment Click to view attachment Click to view attachmentDan, ask your old man if he will consider adopting a pensioner?
Just a thought Dan, I thought P platers couldn't tow stuff, I hope I'm wrong.
Jun 28 2012, 05:48 PM
im glad you put pics in fed
when you started talking about the old girls box i was starting to wonder if this was a fishing site
hope radiation gose good frank and when finished
we all could meet somewhere for a weekends fishing
Jun 29 2012, 05:07 PM
Thinking of you Frank, been a bit busy with work and family so unfortunately no time to drop in to say hi-havent been fishing since mid may, our little boy has been not well so time away from home has been strictly for work..Call me if you need anything Frank-Always happy to help a mate!
I did go for a run to manly the other night to pick up a TJM alloy bullbar for the ute-its been without one since i shortened a bmw almost a year ago-bloody nrma wouldnt cover the original bar and only a std bumper was fitted, no winch needed so its just something to put my lights onto.
P-plate towing is very restrictive-my young offsider cant tow anything over 250kg Fed so I have to do the monthly tip trip myself.
Jun 29 2012, 06:30 PM
That's bad news for Dan then I think he is counting on towing as soon as he gets a licence.
Aug 22 2012, 12:41 AM
Been going fishing most Mondays, and although it has been a bit slow the past couple of months, I have only got a donut on two occasions. Thought I would post a short report, as the only one catching anything is Rumpus and me. Rumpus' fish are a bit too hairy for me though.
Just had root canal on one of my teeth on Monday (does that mean the tooth has been rooted?) and felt ok to go for an hours fishing yesterday. Water was clear, as usual for the Port, but it was really cold. Tried a few bombies and reef areas within a 100m range and only got three takes. Wind was NW and cold, so I gave it away after an hour. Landed two nice niggers and dropped one. Enough for dinner at least. Got three more dentist appointments to fix this one tooth and 10 appointments over in Jumpy land for my spine injury, so my next couple of months are going to be aggravating. Might pop in to Nth Maroubra on Monday, after the Docs, and see if there are still fish around my old haunts.
Aug 22 2012, 02:15 PM
Good to see at least one of us is still slightly active.
Think I would opt for having the suspect tooth pulled and be done with it, 1 visit and it's all over with.
My last sceduled treatment today, just hope the follow ups reveal all is clear.
Aug 22 2012, 02:24 PM
Yes Frank. Be positive and I join you in your hope for clear results.
Aug 22 2012, 03:31 PM
I have only got a donut on two occasions
I'm gobsmacked mate, hope you're not losing your mojo.
+1 Frank, I got a couple of big back ones ripped out a few Months ago and they haven't given any trouble since then.
You getting your boat ready for the big fishing comp I think KK's boat is broken so he might be looking for a lift?
Aug 22 2012, 04:01 PM
thank heavens your catching fish kk, I had to go down the fish mongers just to see what they looked like.
I refuse to count red fin or carp i get in the lake, horrid things they are.
Frank you get well mate
Aug 22 2012, 04:46 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Aug 23 2012, 10:01 AM)

thank heavens your catching fish kk, I had to go down the fish mongers just to see what they looked like.
I refuse to count red fin or carp i get in the lake, horrid things they are.
Frank you get well mate
Paul. Give me a redfin any day, they may not be the greatest sportsfish about but they sure are good on the plate, wish there were some close to me, I wouldn't be bothered with the salt water if there was.
Which comp is being talked about ?, I'm not into comps as such but IF it's a general get together then I'm up for it.
Actually not a bad idea to start talking about our next meet and greet session, and if it can combine some fishing then all the better.
Aug 22 2012, 06:37 PM
General get together fishing comp from boats Frank, mid week, pick a location and go for it.
Another thought, I was talking with Jumpy last week about the good old days down the Banks, hard to relive the old times but sometimes it sure is tempting to give it another shot with a few mates.
Aug 22 2012, 08:32 PM
What comp? You tell me where and when. I can take your boat. Drop you off on the shore near Alfords Point, cause I know you get a bit antsy past there.
Just put in a call to the outboard guy. Will get a full service and general check over on the motor and then hopefully be rarin to go. Stay tuned...... sure is windy today.
Aug 22 2012, 09:31 PM
Sounds god to me fella's give me a few months though then ill be fishing again.. Bub is due anyday now so just waiting.. Also looks like in going to a 9 day fortnight for a while so will have weekends off again.. Would be great to get a few down the coast for a weekend of fishing! Bay or Basin.
Jumpus GooDarus
Aug 22 2012, 10:04 PM
Yeah right spud
Reckon ewe'll be doing all your foosh'n @ nowra foosh markets
Ask Fed 4 gps co-ords
Aug 24 2012, 08:51 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jun 30 2012, 12:30 PM)

That's bad news for Dan then I think he is counting on towing as soon as he gets a licence.
Nah mate, i read it up and it's 250kg unloaded weight, so my tinny will be fine. (I also spoke to a red p plater down the ramp with his tinny at Windang the other week)
Not long to go now anyway, trail exams done, 2 major projects done (woodwork and DT) and to top it off my fishing magazine is being printed off as we speak (yes i actually did it) now i have 4 weeks of normal school left, then a 1 month break where i will be studying and hopefully getting my licence, then i have 2 months spread out where i have to do 5 exams and i'm done with school forever and hoping getting some fishing in!
Aug 24 2012, 03:26 PM
Under 250 Kgs is a win Dan there will be no stopping you now.
Aug 24 2012, 04:04 PM
250kg unloaded?
Does that mean the trailer itself if 250kg or under can be towed and what is on/in the trailer isnt included?
Bloody bonus if so, only snag is do they go by actual weight or gvm?
Aug 24 2012, 04:23 PM
Fed wrote "" One thing I am doing, after 10 years of abuse I noticed the old girl's box was looking pretty ordinary & starting to flake so I stripped her down gave it a good old rub up and a touch up and now it's looking brand new again.""
Kinda reminded me of this.
Golf Panties....
The Swede's wife steps up to the tee and, as she bends over to place her ball, a gust of wind blows her skirt up and reveals her lack of underwear.
'Good God, woman! Why aren't you wearing any skivvies?', Ole demanded.
'Well' she said, 'you don't give me enough housekeeping money to afford any.'
The Swede immediately reaches into his pocket and says, 'For the sake of decency, here's a 50. Go and buy yourself some underwear..'
Next, the Irishman's wife bends over to set her ball on the tee. Her skirt also blows up to show that she, too, is wearing no undies. 'Blessed Virgin Mary, woman! You've no knickers Why not?'
She replies, 'I can't afford any on the money you give me.'
Patrick reaches into his pocket and says, 'For the sake of decency, here's a 20. Go and buy yourself some underwear"!
Lastly, the Scotsman's wife bends over. The wind also takes her skirt over her head to reveal that she, too, is naked under it.
'Sweet mudder of Jaysus, Aggie! Where ta friggin hell are yer drawers?' She too explains, 'You dinna give me enough money ta be able ta affarrd any.'
The Scotsman reaches into his pocket and says, 'Well, fer the love 'o decency, here's a comb .... Tidy yerself up a bit.'
You dont stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing!!
Aug 24 2012, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (storms72 @ Aug 25 2012, 10:04 AM)

250kg unloaded?
Does that mean the trailer itself if 250kg or under can be towed and what is on/in the trailer isnt included?
Bloody bonus if so, only snag is do they go by actual weight or gvm?
Unloaded as in trailer weight only mate
My dads Bay Raider trailer is 260kg so i can't tow that until i get my green P's, which allows towing unloaded weights of 500kg or something ?
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