I got my first down in only a minute of drift and landed a nice solid blackfish. Re-bait and same story. The plan was to get three for a meal or two and then head back. At this rate I would only be here for 20 minutes, so after the third fish, I tied on a weed fly that a mate had given me. The float went downwards at a rate of knots so I lifted the rod tip and hooked up solidly. A smaller fish, but my first on an artificial. No need to bait up and I just cast in. I wasn't too sure how long to leave the float under, but most strikes resulted in another fish. Dropped a few, but hey, this was fun. As I wound in after a missed strike, the float was at my feet and the fly was swirling around in the wash, but on the surface. A big drummer swoffed it off the surface and dived back to his lair. I had him on for about 10 seconds and turned him twice, but a determined dive and the 6lb trace snapped. Bye bye fly. Five fish on the fly and four on bait. Checked the time and saw I had been here for 2 hours, so kept five fish and cleaned them before trekking back out.
Saw a boat trolling back to the Port, which looked like a Star Wars Jeddi Transporter, but I don't think our Jedi ever takes his out does he? Heaps of surface fish around as I was fishing.
Had a visit from a Pacific Gull. Big birds, twice the size of our common Silver Gulls and a rare sighting around Sydney. It enjoyed picking over a blackfish frame. I can hear thunder as I write this, so the rain must be coming....