What did ewe suckers do ??? Workies i bet

Well suckers how your daygo ?? this is how mine went
1st bait into the water lasted about 20 minutes had boys jigging for slimmys whilst i sat behind the steering wheel looking GooDarus like i allways do, cant help it if i'm so good looking not like ewe ugly bastards

Anyways bait got taken i knew this when ratchet started purring so i did the Harold Holt aft to freespool the reel with ratshite off, the 2 wally's on the goat sheep shagger & rob the nob pair of old women had a tangle in their jigs lines & i was spitting the dummy @ them cause i wanted one the irriots to lift udder rod with bait over the top of me to avoid tangle

I set the hook gave the nob the rod went back to wheel marlin was jumping in front of us took about 100 meters of line & spat the circle not happy jan
Re-baited bloody seals ett bait winding in empty hooks when a marlins surfaced 20meters behind us , well peeps jumpus bridled aa fresh slimmy & fed it out the back in world record time got rob the nob on the rod he was free spooling when i noticed line straight down under boat again not happy jan think rob had applied to much pressure on free spooling either way the rod was buckling.
Well I spun arse of of boat around & cleared a passage to the fish which had just started jumping spitting the circle once again
Not our day so far but next incident was a classic i droped sabiki down felt like a full house till threadline started line rising to the surface, then a marlins surfaces 20 meters from goat bastard had ett my slimmys busted me off as expected then went skitso on surface trying to shake the udder slimmys on jig that were slapping it's side.
By this time i was looking for a priet to exocise the boat
Not long after anutta taker this time we came up solid & i knew it esp after the aerial show this fish put on so i finally got to pull out the camera

15 minutes later we had double but jumpus aint stupid

Nob's 1st stickhead after 25 years of trying & not a bad black @ that safe est 90 kg
Fish was released & what a good feeling by all to see it swim away
Couldn't shake the hairy marlins after that so ran lures for an hr or so plics seemed to have disappearedso out with the livey's only took 15 minutes for plics to rock up again.
Lost a couple of sabiki's to them & thought anutta jig was gone when my reel started smoking nothing surfacing & thought hmmmm maybe snappa
Had no choice had to keep chasing down fish 1/2 hr later saw it on surface brurry big shark for the life of me couldn't understand how i was still connected esp on 6 kg line even though there was a 24 kg leader.
Chased it for a nutta 1/2 hr B4 i realised we were wasting our time no way we were going to get it to the boat so locked up & busted it off called it a day after that