Feb 3 2012, 03:41 PM
5 more sleeps untill i get to see her....
Apparently she is all wet and dripping.........
While talking wet and dripping, what covers do people use on glass boats if left outdoors...
I haven't got a glass boat

I had one custom made by a guy who does them for Hunt's. He lives at Woronora Hgts, so really no use to you unless you bring your boat up.
Feb 3 2012, 03:46 PM
Ive got covers KKW, dont need them...
Just thinking about it bing too covered up and sweating if it goes from rainy to hot...
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 3 2012, 03:52 PM
All i can say is
My condolenses Vern spud is on his way again
I used to leave my previous boats out in the weather but that was only through slackness on my part.
I'd be keeping it covered Rumpus but find a way to ventilate it.
I did see a guy somewhere on the net that used some big plumbing pipe like a snorkel painted black and his theory was that the pipe heated up & the hot air flowing upwards in the pipe got a convection thing going on in the boat.
Maybe a solar powered fan, I've seen toy ones for car windows but I'm sure there's some better ones around.
Be a shame to leave such a nice boat out, everything getting sunburnt, wet and dirty while you're not even using it.
Feb 4 2012, 08:11 PM
Yea, just wont quite fit into my garage i dont think which sucks. need to geta carport built
I know the feeling my carport cost more than the boat.
Maybe you'll get lucky, jockey wheel off, canopy down and lowering blocks, whatever it takes mate.
Feb 4 2012, 10:05 PM
plenty of room next to polly and the tinny
I could start a boat hire place
Feb 4 2012, 10:37 PM
prob not a bad idea when im not going to be there for long periods.. just t keep it out of the weather.. Its on the way home too!
Feb 5 2012, 01:29 AM
Leave my big boat out in the weather probably not the best idea, always has a tarp over it, does the job, the tinny gets the spot in the garage.
Will be in a new house within 2 years, parents are close to having bought land and already know what house they are going to put on it, double garage, gonna have both the boat in there and planning on setting a rod rack up and a tray for all my tackle should be sweet
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 5 2012, 02:14 PM
Does the sign out the front say
5 Sleeps! or 5 Sheeps! ??
Haven't goy my glasses
Bloody 1/2 boats cant leave them out in the weather else they'll fall apart
Feb 6 2012, 12:28 AM
Only 1 sleep left to go....
Looking foward to doing some maintanance on trailer and boat, got some LED lights to install, try out my new CMAP Card, thank Frank....
And hopefully get amongst a few fishes...
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 6 2012, 01:07 AM
Well you're a ning nong aren't you
You could've done 2 sleepee's yesterday & been there 2day
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