Jan 17 2012, 06:47 AM
Hey Jumpy
I remember when you had those Viva graphite 2-4kg rods for $30
Do you have any laying around or can you get your hands on any ? I need 2 more as i've managed to snap one while driving the boat out from an oyster rack and i sticked the other one when my mate grabed the tip and the top broke off..
I'd take them off your hands in 2 seconds
They were the best rods i had for bait fishing, easy to throw around and not worry about
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 17 2012, 02:28 PM
Dont think there's any left, gave them to a mate who takes handicapped kids out for a fish in centenial park for carp after he told me they had to share a rod
Jan 17 2012, 07:20 PM
Ahkay fair enough mate, i'll find a replacement
Jan 17 2012, 07:36 PM
While chatting Viva gear mr Jumpy, my metalium reel wont click the bail arm over by winding the handle, it goes halfway and locks and has to be manually put into position. How do I go about seeking a repair / replacment?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 18 2012, 12:57 AM
send it back to them
Or keep working the bail arm manually prob just stuck from lack of use or lube
Jan 18 2012, 01:09 AM
well i dont wanna pull it apart myself and void any warrenty, it probably is something simple but worth asking..
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