Well don't want to boore anyone with my health problems, but thought I would warn anyone
who needs to go through a prostate biopsy and ultrasound.
Me thinking it was similar to the ultrasound I had with my heart attack, where they put jelly
on a disc type thing similar to a transducer and rub all over you.
No way, after a probe goes up the rear passage a local anistecic is injected into the prostate
then this other probe gets shoved up there and poked all around and what feels like electric
shocks and a clicking noise is heard, hard to tell weather it's electric shocks or a staple gun
injecting staples into your innards, anyhow doesn't really hurt as such but is most uncomfortable.
And each one of these shock type things is taking a sample and they get more annoying after
each one, after about a dozen of these zaps I was pretty ready to tell them to forget the whole idea
and get up and get dressed and walk out of there.
I stayed and put up with it as I didn't want the whole proceedure to start over again some time down the road.
Though I might as well just lay there till it was finished.
Think I must have copped about 30 of these shots ( they recon about 12 shots is agerage ) wonder what they had against me.
Anyhow I lived through it and drove home, wearing a pad to catch all the blood oosing from my bowles I needed a piss so went to the toilet,,,,, well holly mother of mercy, I have never in my entire life gone through so much pain, I laid on the bed, after draging myself from the toilet in the fetal position holding onto my stomock and nuts, and fair dimkin I thought the world was ending, for about 5 minutes I laid there in absolute agony which felt like forever, till the pain started to fade.
Eventually the pain faded into a dull ache and I recon through the stress, I had what I thought was another heart attack, just then Val came home and found me lying on the bed in all sorts of pain and was about to call the ambulance. Instead I took a couple of my Nitro glisserine tablets, and after about 10 minutes or so the chest pains started to go away as well, took another tablet and this one eased the pain right off so much I could sit up and start breathing normal ( well normal for me ).
Probably the worst day, pain wise I have ever been through in my life.
I have been shot with a 303.25 and that was nowhere near the pain I went through today.
Anyone needing the treatment, don't let this put you off having it done as it's still better than the alternative.