Took my scanner with me unfortunatly his OS didn't have the drivers required & I didn't have the install disk with me being on dial up didn't bother D/Ling them so missed out on scaning the old pics from his albums oh well next time.
Anyways back to the fushing report .
Day 1
It started off one bright sunny morning in the middle of the night Jumpus, CATCH & Arnie went out to fush.
Plan off attack was to get a Jewgong on SP's & we would've got one if it wasn't for that whinging CATCH22 every time it looked promising the bugger wanted to move spots
If that wasn't bad enough the bugger ate all the food & me & Arnie found it hard to fish on empty stomach's
Seriously though it was more a check out all of Arnie's spots sort of a day more than anything although we did give the jew a good try ended up empty handed but did manage some flatones released most kept these for dinner but ended up having Chi Nee instead
Day 2
Plan was to hit Jervis Bay & fish for some Reds picked up Snapper Man who lives @ Calalla & off we went on our merry way again the day was marred by CATCH22 eating all the food makes it velly hard to catch fish when he does that.
Perfect weather again started off anchoring up @ Long Nose burley trail only suceeded in bringing up rubbish which were making mince meat of our baits then there we were plagued by leather jackets so left CATCH22 baitfishing whilst Snapper Man & Myself started tossed SP's around both methods had same result ZERO success.
I asked Snapper Man to take us to his Squid spots just to break up the day while we waited for the tide change which I hoped would bring a change of fortune so off we went to Bowen Isle to jig up some squid.
Didn't do that crash hot think we only got 2 leather jackets were also there & they took Snapper Man's favourite lure did however see some Bream swiming around was tempted to throw SP's @ them but I honestly enjoy jigging for Squid & carried on doing so.
That session lasted about 1 hr or so & it was time to head back to Long Nose to try for Reds unfortunately same result as the morn session rubbish fish & leather jackets, did put out a live bait for KUNG FU FUSH & it did go offto a garnet saw the bugger crash dive it.
Did however see a huge crash on the surface out in the middle of the heads not sure @ 1st then up it came again I wished that I had brought my new Megapoodle Camera With the Big Telepoopoo lens with me but only had the little camera & didn't bother taking any shots.
The spash's were a pod of whales throwing themselves out of the water 3 @ a time it was quite a spectacle the SLR camera would've taken some very nice pics.
Anyways fishing was non existant so Snapper Man took us to another Suid spot & this time we got in amoungst them @ times we had 1/2 a dozen or so follow the lure up ming you I find it very relaxing & without a breath of wind about the Lecky was on very low speed moving us around but again those bloody leather jackets were about & the squid would spook
Just on a bit of a sour note !
It was the 1st time I'd come across these new new No Fishing Zones up till now haven't fished area's which have them & didn't realise how bad they are,
All I can say is that these BLOODY Greenies are F***en Morons you dont see me swearing very often unless something really gets under my skin.
These zones are pointless dont these morons realise that fish move around & dont live in one area ? I have a bit more sence that alot of people on the water my stupid days are over & I respect the oceon saying that I can see fishermen venturing out to spots their boats shouldn't be @ all because of these No Fishing Zones there's accidents waiting to happen
Day 3
Well plan was to head out the front of Greenwell & fish some of my snapper spots it was just CATCH22 & myself got a early start & wasn't it bloody cold nose was runninglike a tap only been anchored up for about 45 minutes & decided to come back inside to bloody cold mind you by now the Westerly was blowing around 10 knots & the air was very cold
Back inside Greenwell by 9 am we fished one little area till around lunch time when we called it a day time to come home now I will tell you that baits will out fish lures any day of the week & I mean it with the only exception being flathead.
Well CATCH22 dosen't like usike lures & wont listen when I tell him to have a toss
True to my boast I did just that but have to admit it was neck & neck for a while there till I tried a prawn SP makes a huge difference when you pick the right SP all SP's will work on flathead as they are a very aggresive predator but on certain days a certain lure will stand out same goes with your retrive action.
Well the prawn SP but me that far ahead it wasn't funny we ended up with I'd say 20 + flatones that session kept about 8 off them for CATCH22 it's rare I keep fish but had the biggest laugh watching CATCH22's facial expressions when I started releasing the flathead it was so funny thought he was going to throw me overboard