Jan 12 2012, 12:59 AM
Braved the wind and headed out for a run in the new boat on JB this arvo. Launched at Murrays and had a look for squid but with the water so clear and sun out they must have been hiding..
Trekked across to Honeymoon bay, was blowing 20+ knots with a good swell from the Sou East so was a good test for the boat to see how she handled and im super impressed.. So good to come home dry and feeling fresh instead of warn out and wet! Had a spin for squid to see if they were hiding over there but still no luck.. Had a drift along long beach for flatties and picked up 3, 2 on bait and one on a plastic. Leather jackets stole most of the bait and a few plastics too. Flatties all in the mid 40's.. Will make a good feed..
Shot across to callala bay and no squid there either.. Then it was time to head home and put the pork roast on ;)
Will head out early tomorrow to try and get some squid and some kings if the wind behaves!
Was awesome to be able to do a full lap of JB in comfort and staying dry. really really wrapped with the boat, driving position is great, ride is smooth, much smoother than a alloy bucket.. ;) Could keep at 40-50km an hour heading 45degree into the swell and chop comfortably... Is also really comfortable with 2 people fishing, sits very stable as 2 people walk around.. Really couldn't be any happier..
Have had one issue and its with the trailer, the wobble rollers are falling off.. all the split pins are rusted out so need to do some work on the trailer... Have already priced up a tandem drive on though so will look more into that soon, especially with the amount of KM i may do with it i want a good trailer under her..
Jan 12 2012, 01:26 AM
Have had one issue and its with the trailer, the wobble rollers are falling off.. all the split pins are rusted out so need to do some work on the trailer.
Thanks for reminding me because mine are rusting out too, I've already replaced a couple with stainless.
Idiot trailer makers using zinc plated crap.
I dropped in to CBC bearings today to get some 0 rings I was after and checked out some genuine bearing buddies while I was there, talk about a well made item compared to the Chinese ones.
$60 a pair inc GST so I'm going to grab a couple after I do a quick measure up.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 12 2012, 01:28 AM
One week old & it's allready falling apart
That's what happens when people dont do their homework run out & buy the 1st boat offered to them
They fail to have a good look @ it & miss any flaws
Jan 12 2012, 01:32 AM
HaHa, all that from a bloke with a green dog dish held together by birdshit welds & very thick paint.
Jan 12 2012, 01:32 AM
Vern says what would you know, been fishing with you twice and still havn't turned a reel...
That's what happens when people dont do their homework run out & buy the 1st boat offered to them
They fail to have a good look @ it & miss any flaws laugh.gif laugh.gif
Yep massive job replacing some split pins...
Jan 12 2012, 01:35 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jan 12 2012, 07:32 PM)

HaHa, all that from a bloke with a green dog dish held together by birdshit welds & very thick paint.
Now ive spat rum all over my keyboard!!!
Jan 12 2012, 01:39 AM
He makes me laugh too Rumpus.
Remember his old saying...
I put the hammers down and and keep going until I'm prop dancing
He drives like Miss Daisy without her glasses on and trims his motors so high the props ventilate in smooth water, PROP DANCING MY ARSE!
Jan 12 2012, 01:44 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jan 12 2012, 07:39 PM)

He makes me laugh too Rumpus.
Remember his old saying...
He drives like Miss Daisy without her glasses on and trims his motors so high the props ventilate in smooth water, PROP DANCING MY ARSE!
Hahaha, there goes another rum....
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 12 2012, 01:48 AM
Vern says what would you know, been fishing with you twice and still havn't turned a reel
They sound like the words of Spud not Vern
Cause if they were the words of Vern they would read like this
Chad keeps telling me how good he is @ hunting but keeps shooting everything in the guts, cant head shoot & yet to get me a pig
From what i hear it's only when Jumpy visits does Spud ever come close to getting any pigs
Now that's what vern would say I know cause i've heard him repeat them every time i see him
Jan 12 2012, 01:53 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 12 2012, 07:48 PM)

They sound like the words of Spud not Vern
Cause if they were the words of Vern they would read like this
Chad keeps telling me how good he is @ hunting but keeps shooting everything in the guts, cant head shoot & yet to get me a pig
From what i hear it's only when Jumpy visits does Spud ever come close to getting any pigs
Now that's what vern would say I know cause i've heard him repeat them every time i see him

If only we didnt all know you and how bigga storyteller you are... Maybe the guys on fishnet will believe you ;)
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 12 2012, 02:10 AM
Jan 12 2012, 02:33 AM
Vern is right here and said you dont know how to catch fish... squid are not fish....
He said at least when Chad takes me out I catch fish!!! ;)
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 12 2012, 02:42 AM
I must be getting allsashonists desease cause i cant recall spud ever putting up a pic of a fish he caught
He's put up pics of fish pez has caught trying to make them his
Jan 12 2012, 02:46 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 12 2012, 08:42 PM)

I must be getting allsashonists desease cause i cant recall spud ever putting up a pic of a fish he caught
He's put up pics of fish pez has caught trying to make them his

WOW, thats a worry...... Whats happening to your photographic memory??
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 12 2012, 02:52 AM
Jan 12 2012, 03:04 AM
Funny, thats the same graph we looked at B4 we went out.... Thought it was going to die off, but guess what.. didn't happen until later,,
12/02:00pm 18.8 13.6 7.3 47 5.8 SSE 24 30 13 16 1016.0 - 0.0
12/01:30pm 17.8 12.6 5.7 45 5.9 S 22 35 12 19 1016.4 - 0.0
12/01:00pm 17.8 12.9 6.7 48 5.5 S 22 33 12 18 1016.6 - 0.0
12/12:30pm 17.2 12.2 6.4 49 5.3 S 22 33 12 18 1016.7 - 0.0
Hey, look at that, the time we first crossed the bay, gusting to 18/19 kts? not a bad guess hey?? Mind you thats on top of PP... Was defiantly stronger on the water where it was funneling down the bay.. But I was only out there on the water? what would I know hey? Would know more if i was at home on the computer!
Actually, it was probably a 5m swell and 50kts but the smooth riding fibreglass boat made it feel so much smoother!
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 12 2012, 03:55 AM
Lay off the baked beans spud
Eat more greens
Jan 13 2012, 02:18 AM
Funny day today, Seabreeze predicted that the wind would be gone by lunch but they never saw the nor easter hitting at around 11am?? Guess the got it wrong 2 days in a row hey??
Water temp was around 18.5 and the fishing was slow until we found a spot (Spot X) where the salmon were thick so played with them on 3kg gear for a few hours and had some laughs...
Just about brings my holiday to an end.. Will give my girl a good wash and put her away for a few weeks till I can get back down and take her out again.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 13 2012, 03:07 AM
Seabreeze allways get it wrong in predicting
But the gragh like i posted yesterday is accurate they are actually readings of wind strength every hr
I use that info when trying to decide if i'm going to venture out or not
I would be taking boat back to dealer if i were you
You're entitled to 3 months warranty get them to sort trailer out
Jan 14 2012, 02:03 PM
Vern how do u put up with it?
chad in one ear Jumpy in the middle
you deserve a medal
Luckily Chad isnt near as bad and your right he can catch fish
Morning Jumpy
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 14 2012, 02:42 PM
Shut up bitch
Jan 15 2012, 11:15 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 15 2012, 08:42 AM)

Shut up bitch

Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 15 2012, 11:33 PM
Did ewe take trailer back ?????
Jan 15 2012, 11:44 PM
nope im back at home.. Will give em a call and see what they say.
am getting some prices on new trailers. what ya think of the full slide jobbies for fibreglass boats? Such as the one that pelagic boats make?
Waiting for some quotes from dunbier/mackay etc too...
Jan 16 2012, 12:03 AM
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2012, 12:05 AM
full slide jobbies
I'm assuming you're refering to something like what i use
Heaps better than rollers those side supports are just that only there to balance the boat from rocking on trailer not there to take any weight.
Whether glass or Alloy the keel is stongest point on a boat is it's keel & thats where weight should be taken up
Jan 16 2012, 12:11 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 16 2012, 06:05 PM)

I'm assuming you're refering to something like what i use
Heaps better than rollers those side supports are just that only there to balance the boat from rocking on trailer not there to take any weight.
Whether glass or Alloy the keel is stongest point on a boat is it's keel & thats where weight should be taken up
Yep realise that about the keel taking the weight. What im not sure about is the material they use? How does it go against the gelcoat sliding and hitting it?? Id imagine it would be a softish sorta rubber or poly that wouldnt damage the boat? Do you know what they use?
Would like to see one in the flesh and see how a boat loads onto it (a glass boat)
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2012, 12:22 AM
I use polyethalene wont scratch paint so should effect gellcoat
Besides side thingy's should be adjusted so they dont cop any load when boat slides up on them.
a mate cooked some, the same weay he cooked flatty and i thought it was alright.. Went to do it again and everyone laughed at me and wouldnt touch it??
You thought bluefin tasted good & i wouldn't touch it
Salmon is good for ket food
Jan 16 2012, 11:41 AM
I found that blue PVC stuff (supposed to be skid material) was damaging my gelcoat Rumpus.
The boat was sitting on keel rollers and pretty well balanced from side to side and the side skids were taking bugger all weight.
Jumpy struggled to get the Viva boat (white teflon skid shit) off the trailer at Revesby ramp where my boat will roll off under its own weight on that ramp.
Maybe if you only use very steep ramps and sort of float on & off skid trailers with glass boats would be OK but I wouldn't risk it or limit myself to certain ramps.
Why don't you just fix your trailer if it's broken or is it rusted out?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2012, 03:08 PM
Jumpy struggled to get the Viva boat (white teflon skid shit) off the trailer at Revesby ramp where my boat will roll off under its own weight on that ramp
And ewe wonder why i keep calling ewe a Goose
Tell it how it was not the way it wasn't
Ramp covered in sand no slope on it @ all towball on tow vehicle sitting 12 inches off ground if that, low tide
Water hadn't even made it to spray chines & ewe wonder why it was a bitch to get off
Use your bloody noggin
Jan 16 2012, 04:04 PM
I can launch without water, do you need water to semi-float off?
I have no interest in how much trouble you have getting your boats to float off Jumpy, just relating to Rumpus on how skids are not as easy as rollers on flatter ramps.
Why do you take everything so personally Jumpy, I'm sure on steeper ramps skid trailers are perfect.
Just depends on how you like to do it I guess.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2012, 04:13 PM
What makes ewe think i take it personally ???????
I just correct that which is not true
Didn'y ewe yourself start that thread quotes from the net ??
Ewe want to laugh @ those guys or did what they say hit ewe personally ???
Jan 16 2012, 04:22 PM
Sorry mate but it was true, I watched you having trouble with my own eyes.
Quotes from the net is just a bit of fun, I think a lot of them would be people not quite getting across what they mean to say.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2012, 04:34 PM
Was my tow vehicle ???
Come on Fed get real if ewe couldn't work out why then you're not a thinker
Not even the Duckman has probs he's got same rig & is allways telling me what a dream of a trailer he's got
Jan 16 2012, 04:40 PM
I had a choice a couple of years ago and I suspect a skid trailer would have been cheaper and definitely less maintenance but I still went with the rollers. No regrets here.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2012, 04:57 PM
But ewe never use your boat to know any better
How many times a year do you actually take it out
Jan 16 2012, 09:02 PM
It's easy to tell when Jumpy's wrong he either starts typing in a large font or, as in this case, he changes the subject.
You're too easy to see through Jumpy.
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