The day started at 9AM and ended up 5PM.. it was a beautiful day out on the water, hardly any wind, sun, clean water, not to busy and heaps of fish..
We got lots of undersized Flathead, all around 35cm (unbelievable, they were all Dusky haha, threw them back) and one legal which went 41cm (got him on my favorite soft plastic)
We got not even kidding close to 20 Whiting all around 25/26cm.. we managed two that were a few mm over 27cm so in the keeper net they went

While fishing i hooked a Blue Swimmer, and knowing it would let go of the bait i reeled it in really slowly, not bringing it to the surface. I got my uncle to get the net under and behind the Crab and into the net it went. I was lucky as in the net the Crab let go of the bait haha.
Then when we decided it was time to head in, making our way to the boat ramp in the 4 knot zone i spotted another Blue Swimmer flowing in the current. I drove around it slowly but the tide was really ripping out. It was hard to get near the crab without it moving. It wasn't playing easy to get but after a few goes my uncle had it in the net..

Thanks for reading my report, not a bad feed. Two legal Blue Swimmers, Two legal Whiting, One legal Flathead, alot of undersized fish thrown back in and alot of fun