QUOTE (nimrod @ Jan 8 2012, 11:04 PM)

Paul. Unless you are going to do a lot, and I mean a LOT of lure casting, forget it.
Not a thing that is of any use other then light weight lure casting.
If you're going to go Bass fishing in the Yak a LOT than yes a great investment, but I hope you know what you are doing with these style of reel, otherwise it's a waste of money.
Yep know what you are saying frank, but I do love lure casting be it walking a river bank or from boat or yak
in the late 70ts possum bough me a Daiwa pma35 graphite magforce and a daiwa gl13 graphite rod (start of the art in those days) it has had so much work that the fair lead on the reel has a grove worn in it and Bob (thats arnie dog) rebuilt the rod for me with all new runners.
I have finished work its 4.30 pm the kids are a birthday party and I have an hour or to to kill, the north arm of the Brunswick river is but 90 to 100mte from me home the tide is falling time to try for a big lizard.
march 1981 the tide is falling the hunt was on for the big one to that date my best flaty was a 2footer {61cm} a hole had formed about a mile up the river from home, it would take about an hour to walk the sand flats casting all the way picking up the od fish some good some not, but at that hole came my pb as measured 3ft 6inches that's around 1mt 30 I think
Do I love lure casting you bet I do.