give it a belt around the chipping norton lakes and iron a few cob webs out of it, ended up under
the road bridge. A few nice looking snaggs there as well as your usual shopping trolleys broken buckets etc etc etc.
Decided to have a bit of a flick around the snags, thought I might snag an eel or something.
2nd cast I landed close to a semi submerged shopping trolley and to my surprise the line went tight
and with a fantastic swirling of the water I was onto one of the best breams I have caught in a very long time.
I didn't have a camera, I didn't have a landing net, so I tired the fish out and comfort lifted it into the boat.
laid it on the brag mat and it went 34cm. It looked in fantastic condition, beautiful silver colour, not the dirty goldie drown colour I would expect for this area.
I held it in the water for a few seconds and it put it's tail into gear and swam off.
Driving home and my phone rang, it was then I gelled that the bloody phone has a camera in it doesn't it