Dec 28 2011, 01:30 PM
do you have a photo of your first

Dec 28 2011, 01:42 PM
No photo Poly but I can give a description.
Hartley 15' plywood half cabin called 'Bluefin'.
Fitted with a 265 Cubic Inch side valve V8 Ford motor directly coupled to the prop shaft.
No gearbox, no dog clutch, no nothing.
Used to have to aim the boat to open water and as the starter motor was cranking over the boat was creeping forward, of course when it fired up all hell broke lose.
It was an exciting boat to get going on a cold morning.
Dec 28 2011, 01:47 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Dec 29 2011, 08:42 AM)

No photo Poly but I can give a description.
Hartley 15' plywood half cabin called 'Bluefin'.
Fitted with a 265 Cubic Inch side valve V8 Ford motor directly coupled to the prop shaft.
No gearbox, no dog clutch, no nothing.
Used to have to aim the boat to open water and as the starter motor was cranking over the boat was creeping forward, of course when it fired up all hell broke lose.
It was an exciting boat to get going on a cold morning.
sounds like real fun mate, that piece of tin shit dam near killed me
Dec 28 2011, 01:49 PM
Come on, tell us the story mate.
Dec 28 2011, 01:52 PM
let me put it this way, they split open in a big bad storm
Dec 28 2011, 01:59 PM
My first one was a DeHavilland 15ft almost the same as yours Pol. Used to go out of Port Hacking, down to Stanwell Humps, Garie, Marley etc for years. Got a photo somewhere. See if I can scan it.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 28 2011, 02:41 PM
Dont rissen to Fed poly
His 1st boat was a whale attracting device but only for male whales they use to try humping it
Not to mention how salty would've been offended when Fed had to tie milk crates on a rope tow them behind to stabilise the boat

Go the Gudma
Dec 28 2011, 02:48 PM
My first was a 10ft fibreglass tender found by accident in the bay behind our family house...I was windsurfing-bloody thing cost me a new fin and a sore head when I hit it at speed, a half brick was stuck in one of the holes in the floor...Used my dads 14ft trimcraft-6hp suzuki to tow the tender back home..A few days of glass over ply repairs, wood centre seat glassed in and a few $$$$ spent on a 2hp suzuki(local dealer was my old mans mate) rod holders, anchor, borrowed dads rope from trailer, I was the proud owner of what looked like a motorized sabot with a wonky crooked fibreglass winged keel

...that little boat helped me catch many many fish around the brisbane waters.
First family boat I remember was quinnie fishabout.
Dec 29 2011, 12:48 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Dec 29 2011, 09:41 AM)

Dont rissen to Fed poly
His 1st boat was a whale attracting device but only for male whales they use to try humping it
Not to mention how salty would've been offended when Fed had to tie milk crates on a rope tow them behind to stabilise the boat

Go the Gudma

And so j.g. what was your first boat a photo would be good, but a discristion (don't know how to spell that word) will do.
we all know it was a pressed tin thing with j.g. mods, so were is it now, sunk I would think or rooted away.
Dec 29 2011, 01:28 AM
Ahhh, The Mighty Gudma, she was my second boat Jumpy you missed the first one.
Was thinking about my old boats today & realized the Seafarer is the first mono c/w single outboard I've ever owned, all the others have been sterndrives, shaftdrives and the Cat.
I'm a bit of a keeper, 5 boats in 40 years not counting jointly owned boats because they don't relly feel like they're yours.
I had the same car for 25 years, I like to get my moneys worth out of things.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 29 2011, 03:11 AM
Geezus poly
Ewe detroyed a perfectly good tinny just so could use the yellow canopy & go around telling evlly bloody's you had a polycraft
Hell you're weider than the seafairy owners on this site
Dec 29 2011, 02:45 PM
My first means of water transportation was half of a cable roll/holder, flat piece of wood from one side of a reel that holds the cables for the electricity,,,, ( leckie things were starting to become popular when I first took to the water ) I got a large straightish pole and pushed this raft along the river, Parramatta river.
My first factory made boat was a savage 12' tinnie and a 4hp johno motor on trailer, before I got a drivers licence, so my brother inlaw would tow it down the river launch me in it and pick me up later in the day.
A couple of years later i got my licence and a car and started fishing places I couldn't get to before that.
I have had that many boats I can't remember them all.
I have had my 12' punt now for about 40 years and probably die with it.
Dec 29 2011, 03:01 PM
My first boat I ever went outside the heads in was a 15' wooden clinker with single cylinder lister engine and prop on a shaft. You started it by spinning a huge thick flywheel and it had a lever that you slammed into gear.
First place outside I ever fished was jibbon bombora, shortly after that I heard of a place called the peak and after a few hairy trips out there over a few years I decided to get a propper boat and bought a new Pongrass 17' 2" waverider, that was about 1970.
Today I have another pongrass waverider in my stable and it's still as good a boat as they were in 1970.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 30 2011, 01:59 AM
Did ewe drive it in the nutty frank
Jan 4 2012, 01:13 AM
Picked up my new one today....
Jan 4 2012, 03:27 AM
Hope the pic works!
Excellent mate perfect allrounder, what size motor is on it?
Jan 4 2012, 08:42 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jan 4 2012, 10:27 PM)

Hope the pic works!

Chad this will never do, we need a complete photo spread and no air brushing, we need to see it as it really is.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 5 2012, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jan 4 2012, 09:03 PM)

What did you get Rumpus?
a 1/2 boat
Told him i didn't need a life boat when he rocked up with it esp a 1/2 a raft
Spud dosen't know but i needed a place to do some wee wee's
Jan 5 2012, 09:52 PM
Firstboat i fished in was a 12ft dehavlin car topper with a 5 1/2 hp johnson
fished the maclay at SW rocks and the Hacking
Jan 9 2012, 10:38 PM
Well Here ya's are, a few pics of her...
As she was when we picked her up!

Doing what you do in boats, just out enjoying ourselves. Pulled up at a beach in sussix inlet having a swim.

The Veiw from the fishing Deck...

The front end, Bed up front for the missus, Navman 6500 trackfish, still trying to work it out, need a card and for some reason it does not get water temp reading..

Plumbed live bait tank, has a rear pickup with pump and also another pump/airator inside the tank, both run together. Not sure why or if both are needed?

The Business end.. Fires up first go everytime, sits on 50km at 4000rpm very nicly, max speed at 5500 rpm around 70-75km.
Love the boat, the Chad. Nice quiet spot at Sussex. Had it all to yourselves, I see.
That's a ripper of a boat Rumpus I bet you're one happy chappy.
I'll have to hide this thread from Denise otherwise I might have to open my wallet up & let a lifetimes worth of moths fly out.
It looks like brand new and the fit out looks like it's been done properly too.
You should be able to give Jumpy a run for his money against his big green dog dish.
Well done mate, bring on the Marlin.
Jan 10 2012, 04:28 AM
Too right Mr Fed, I am a very happy chappy....
She is in great nic, everything is very neat in her, all the wiring is good and work on the boat has been done properly.
One of my pet hates is underpowered boats and every other Haines 540 we seen had a 90 or 115 on it where this had the 130 so she really gets up and going.
Still trying to fgure out the GPS/Sonar system but slowly working it out, Its a navman 6500 and I havnt used one before.
You should be able to give Jumpy a run for his money against his big green dog dish.
Without a doubt is faster and handles better than the dog dish, much quieter and smoother ride.. Dont need to wear earplugs in this one. ;)
Jan 10 2012, 05:47 AM
Nice boat Chad, i love Haines, great looking boats, the only thing i would hate is to be paying the fuel bill for her, how goes she go on the juice ?
Heres my first boat, thanks to my dad
Click to view attachment
Jan 10 2012, 12:27 PM
As you said earlier it's a little bit of a strange setup with the second pump inside the live bait tank but that's the only weird thing I can see, maybe the PO just didn't get it.
Does it have a planing plank to go with the variable deadrise?
I've seen 37Knots with a 90HP and I think our hulls would be close to the same LOA, The Seafarer is 5.2M with a blunted off bow & no bowsprit but the Haines would be a deeper V and be much happier with the 130HP on it. 75KPH is plenty fast enough for anyone.
Are you going to try it without the foil I would if I was you, mine came with an underpowered 70HP and a foil so I took it off and it made no difference at all.
I've had my furuno GPS for 10 years and still can't figure it out, it's menu system was written by a lunatic. I think if I played with it a bit more it would get easier.
Without a doubt is faster and handles better than the dog dish, much quieter and smoother ride.. Dont need to wear earplugs in this one. ;)
You bastard there's coffee running out of my nose now.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 10 2012, 12:30 PM
It's a bloody mexicans boat spud
Ewe should go down to victoria where they'll believe the nonsense you're saying
How's your mild steel swnder heard they're standard with that model
oh yeah you'll need to get an electric winch so ewe can hang yourself & dont 4get the rocket jumpers
Jan 10 2012, 02:07 PM
I've seen 37Knots with a 90HP and I think our hulls would be close to the same LOA, The Seafarer is 5.2M the with a blunted off bow & no bowsprit but the Haines would be a deeper V and be much happier with the 130HP on it. 75KPH is plenty fast enough for anyone.
I read an article about new hull when it came out (mine) and they changed a few things manly the Variable dead rise. They say other than better handling of the chop that it will do with a 90 what the old boat did with a 100.. The test boat in the review had a 90 on it.. Im not one to believe reviews to much as i think they are oftern biased but im also biased atm so since this review gives my boat a great wrap then i recon its a great review..

I have changed the GPS SOG to read knots now as the yammy speedo reads in KMS, so ill get a true speed reading in kt's next time im out.
Are you going to try it without the foil I would if I was you, mine came with an underpowered 70HP and a foil so I took it off and it made no difference at all.
Yea, i did think about it before taking it for a run but it handles really nicely... Better than other boats ive been in ;) ....
Maybe one day ill rip it off and go for a run but ya know the saying, if it ain't broke... curiosity will get the better of me one day...
Jan 10 2012, 02:10 PM
Jan 10 2012, 03:14 PM
That's a pretty good review mate even the 90HP would be livable at a pinch.
Hey POLY, this is what you should get.
Jan 10 2012, 04:34 PM
Rumpus. I have 4 sale if you are at all interested a Cmap that covers the east coast from
AUC219 Port Macdonnell To Prin. Charlotte Bay $362.10 RRP that is port macdonnell SA to Princess charlotte bay north qld.
It is a used map but is OK it's yours for $100 if you want it.
I got it when I went up to n qld but never used it. My other one only goes from eden to central coast which is the area I fish, so I don't use the east coast one.
Ps get rid of that pump in the LBT it will only get in the way when you're trying to catch a livie to put on the hook, and you will stress the livies out too much chasing them around.
Jan 10 2012, 05:38 PM
double post... opps!
Jan 10 2012, 05:40 PM
is that a NT + card or something?
Yea, I cant figure out why the 2 pumps, if the stern pump is running it will be airating the tank itself without the other running. and if the tank pump was on its own switch you could run it just to airate the tank without pumping fresh water but why would you do that? I might possibly move it and turn it into a deck wash on its own switch, but for now im just gonna get out and enjoy it as it is and when i sus it all out ill start making changes...
Jan 10 2012, 05:46 PM
Does the pump on the transom have a pickup scoop on it if not it won't pump when you're on the plane and the guy might have put the one inside the tank to try & keep the water aerated.
Jan 10 2012, 05:48 PM
Forget that I just spied the scoop in the first pic.
Jan 10 2012, 08:54 PM
It's an N T + card. Pump won't supply enough water pressure to be any use as a deck wash, a bucket would do the same job.
Jan 10 2012, 09:51 PM
Cool, frank, do you know what the details on the maps are like, ive seen some recently that didnt show contours.. didnt even show middle ground in JB.. Was on a rough noisy plate boat that leant to a side admittedly so cant expect to much, but id like maps that show the ocean floor contours..
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 10 2012, 10:10 PM
AUC219 Port Macdonnell To Prin. Charlotte Bay
That'll suit the mashed potato just fine frank
He's only got 1/2 a boat so 1/2 a card is all he needs
Jan 10 2012, 10:40 PM
I gave a bloke a copy of Magellan Blue Nav, which shows contours etc. Shows middle ground in JB. He mustn't be using it on lopsided plate.
Jan 11 2012, 12:28 AM
QUOTE (Fed @ Jan 11 2012, 10:14 AM)

That's a pretty good review mate even the 90HP would be livable at a pinch.
Hey POLY, this is what you should get.
no you could not give me one it will have to be
a poly 5.3 or
swiftcraft dominator or
Seafarer Viking
unless Jumpy can show me a plate boat would be better
Jan 11 2012, 02:41 AM
Heya Frank... Ill take you up on that offer mate, if ya can hold off till i get back to work and back home to sort it out.
Jan 11 2012, 12:21 PM
I'm sure the Haines would be every bit as good as a Seafarer Poly, better in the rough but maybe a little more tender at rest.
Did yours come with a dunny for your missus Rumpus?
Bees Knees
Jan 11 2012, 12:37 PM
That would be me, KKW...

Just bought a navionics card for mine and there was 2 settings regarding the contours in my unit Rummy.... Your mate may not have discovered it yet..
Jan 11 2012, 12:40 PM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Jan 12 2012, 06:37 AM)

That would be me, KKW...

Just bought a navionics card for mine and there was 2 settings regarding the contours in my unit Rummy.... Your mate may not have discovered it yet..

He prob to busy trimming the motor to get the lean out of his boat.. Ill let him know..
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 11 2012, 02:21 PM
Go fluck yourselves ewe wankers
Carefull i dont start with the stories of your recent events that only jumpus knows
Setting main menu countour settings 5th item down on my unit they were there but moment you'd zoom they'd disappear
I'm not stupid like some i dont go fusing without bait nor do i buy pretend boats b4 i learned how to fush properly
Jan 11 2012, 02:45 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jan 11 2012, 09:41 PM)

Heya Frank... Ill take you up on that offer mate, if ya can hold off till i get back to work and back home to sort it out.
Ok whenever you're ready. I will put it in my GPS and have a look at the detail.
Jan 11 2012, 03:27 PM
Thanks Frank!
Hoping the wind dies off this arvo, been blowing its guts out down here the last few days.
Jan 11 2012, 10:18 PM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Jan 12 2012, 07:37 AM)

That would be me, KKW...

Yeah, I know but another bloke got one a couple of months before you.
Jan 13 2012, 03:53 PM
At least there's a couple who love the boat.
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