QUOTE (nimrod @ Dec 11 2011, 09:07 AM)

Poly. To be honest, I've been there done that, you will find on soft deep sand those skinny wheels will dig into the sand and you will be dragging the buggy through axle deep in some places,, on deeply packed hard sand it will do the job OK .
I ended up putting 5" soft plastic wheels on mine, had to lengthen the axle but that's easy if you have access to a welder. Try and place the rod holders ( rocket launchers ) down as low to the axle as possible otherwise the buggy will want to tip over on anything other than level ground.
I went one better and ended up with a remote controled electric buggy, which I later turned into my fish simulator.
Design wise I would move the cutting board further back to the rear, move the blue box at front lower further back and build rod holders down low at the front of frame with as much backward/forward angle as you can get without poking yourself in the eye, or back of the head while pushing/pulling the thing along. you could modify the sand rod holders to the sides of the buggy , think it would be solid enough footing to hold rod, probably only 1 though.
Those cutting boards are very slipery so I would place thin piece of 3 ply on top with perhaps a couple of slots in it to hold knife, long nosed plyers ( stainless ) and scaler, if you intend to keep fish.