Decided to go for a fush today talk about luv me long time between drinks hell everyting looked small today talk about being out of practice
Squids were a bitch only got wun & how embarassing was that i'm not even the wun who got it yeah yeah i know it's hard 4 ewes to believe but it's true

Did notice jakka's under the goat so tied on a sabiki managed to get 10 of the jakka's & opted not to waste any more time on squids.
1st jakka down lasted about 3 minutes the girl looked like a teeny bopper & so did the next 8 or so they all went back into the drink, released
With no measuring device on the boat wasn't going to risk having under aged girly's on board as ewe plics would call me a pedafart.
So wot i did was ling ling the Duck Flakka girls were thick just like him

Got him to measure a ciggarette packet which he sed was 90mm so i proceeded to mark out my cutting board.
Well didn't i have a red face

In udder words for all ewe dummys of facebook all the fish we'd been throwing back were all legal

Long story cut short we brained the girls 2day smallest in pic was 73 cm's kept 1/2 doz lost count how many went back
All caught on live lettuce couldn't get live cabbage this morn all sold out @ shop