He wants to also install a water tank out of aluminum for more weight. A tank with a few ribs welded in so the water won't slosh around. Now I think that this won't help at all. Water has no weight when on water right?
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 1 2011, 01:00 PM
Wont the sloshing water wash away the BBQ sauce of the ribs making them tasteless & unappertising
Not to mention very salty
Nov 1 2011, 01:17 PM
Bet the same guy gives free advise for those prepared to listen.
Can anyone believe this from Sydney angler, Jumpy would last about 5 seconds.
Due to ongoing lack of respect for the Sydney Angler Code of Conduct all future repeat offenders will be banned without notice.
Sydney Angler Code of Conduct
1) Spelling and punctuation
Make an effort to adhere to the basics of the English language. Posts where clearly no effort has been made with regards to spelling, grammar and punctuation will be deleted immediately. This is not intended to punish or discriminate against accidental spelling mistakes or those whose spelling skills are less strong (see note below). It is about making an effort.
2) SMS/Text Language
Any post containing GenY/SMS style language will be deleted immediately and the poster deleted from the site. Don't post it because it will be deleted.
3) Have a Point
This is difficult because some of the best threads are the most trivial. That being said, post or threads that are meaningless, idiotic or add no value will be deleted.
Please Note: The diversity of Sydney Angler is our strength. We understand that some members do not speak English as a first language and that we all have differing levels of education. We encourage all members from all walks of life to post freely and we will NEVER knowingly discriminate in this regard. We will never delete posts, belittle or criticise any contribution because of a spelling mistake (we all make them!). We will however delete posts where clearly no effort has been made.
Nov 2 2011, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 3 2011, 08:45 AM)

Can anyone believe this from Sydney angler, Jumpy would last about 5 seconds.
Makes me wonder who it is that decides NO effort has been made,, the mods must believe they are holyier then others.
No more LOL's or ROFL's or any of that sort of nonsence,,,,, wonder if they allow the little cartoon blokes that make a post appear funny you know these blokes

among others,, spose they would be conscruded as being in poor taste.
This is something I would expect from that other site, ( which I can't even remember the name of,, the one run by hubby and wife ) ( moreso the wife,, think she wears the pants in that lot ) but comes as a surprise from Sydney Angler.
Fishraider Frank, they're just strange.
Some people should not be allowed to play with tools.
Re: Steering becam hard on 92 140 evinrude
I ran into a little issue. I pulled the old omc steering cable out, but i also pulled out the tilt tube i did not know it holds the motor, at first the motor did not even move. I came back to check on the boat and found the motor touching the ground and i noticed the brackets in which tilt tube goes, shifted back, so motor was just held by hydraulic lift in center. With help i placed the motor back in place and put the tilt tube back. Did i damage anything? i check the lift, by pulling the motor up and down many times seems to work as before.
Nov 3 2011, 02:32 PM
This is something that could easily happen.
I once had to remove the pinot tube to get the old morse cable out it had stuck that hard.
Still have the remains down the back somewhere, had to buy a new pinot tube.
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 3 2011, 08:45 AM)

Can anyone believe this from Sydney angler, Jumpy would last about 5 seconds.
Yeah, and they wonder why there is so little activity on the site. Actually, Fishraider seems to have the most, at present. SFF has died in the past few months. Lucky to get a post per week. Fang Aus - well, let's not go there. A post per month and if it wasn't for Frank it would be a post per 6 months. Polyboats, same three guys posting. FishnTreks, two or three guys post. Same here - only a few loyal members posting.
What's the fishing world coming to
Nov 3 2011, 03:57 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Nov 4 2011, 10:18 AM)

Yeah, and they wonder why there is so little activity on the site. Actually, Fishraider seems to have the most, at present. SFF has died in the past few months. Lucky to get a post per week.
Fang Aus - well, let's not go there. A post per month and if it wasn't for Frank it would be a post per 6 months. Polyboats, same three guys posting. FishnTreks, two or three guys post. Same here - only a few loyal members posting.
What's the fishing world coming to

When we first formed Fishnet 1995 ( then a different name ) we were the first to have a fishing forum in Australia, then came Ozfish and shortly after Sportsfish, basically we had the fishing sites of OZ pretty well wrapped up, and we had many many members and was growing at a pace we couldn't keep up. Then as more and more people started to devepop the skills to start their own forums, more and more sites were developed till lately every second net fisho has their own site with a few loyal members, there are literally hundreds of fishing sites going at the moment and many of them boast thousands of members, but there is only a hand full that has daily input with more than a couple of members.
95% of the sites are only forums, with the 5% left true web fishing sites with more to offer then just a forum.
Stats show that since 2002 when Fishnet had a major meltdown and we all had to re join the average daily post count still stands at 58 posts per day and that's average for 9 years,, but repidly decling these days and would only be at about 100-150 posts per week, so the average would be dropping every week.
I think you mean FANGNSW,, FANGOZ is still getting more then 1 post per day,,,,,Just
Bees Knees
Nov 5 2011, 08:56 PM
Re: The slow death of forums...
Nothing to do with the sites... social media, (which this is) has shifted in the last 4-5 years with Facebook and Twitter etc... There are some fishing pages on these sites as well... I dont frequent them though... I only post here and read over at SFF and read jumpy stirring up fishnet...
Jumpy's ideas of streaming his fishing trips live was a great idea that has missed the boat (so to speak) ...

But i can take a photo on my phone and send it straight to Facebook and get 30 comments before i get off the water...
Its a lot easier than getting home f*cked and typing out a report and down loaded pics etc..
You've heard it here first... It will only be us on here getting a few extra mates along the way to keep in touch and share a little info... The world has moved ahed to quickly to turn these sites into massive concerns..
BTW, i like it like this...
Nov 15 2011, 09:59 PM
Shouldn't poke fun at people who ask questions but this is classic and he does make out he's a boat person.
Playing with my boat whilst parked in the street recently (as you do) I noticed a significant difference between the bearing shown on my GPS and the compass.
Could not work out what was causing the compass difference, turned offf all electrics, no difference, in any case the compass is mounted well away from any wiring so should not be a problem.
Been thinking about this ever since and the only thing that I can think off is that the boat is parked under overhead power cables. (Normal street cabling and Foxtell etc).
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I know another bloke who reckons the wind blows the GPS signals away because he was driving down the freeway on a windy day & his car GPS was showing his car was running parallel but off to the side of the road.
Nov 15 2011, 10:26 PM
I hear that titanium can screw up a compass bearing. Did you offer any suggestions as to the problem/fix?
Have you decided to get rid of all your fishing gear?
Nov 16 2011, 12:01 AM
QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Nov 6 2011, 02:56 PM)

Re: The slow death of forums...
Nothing to do with the sites... social media, (which this is) has shifted in the last 4-5 years with Facebook and Twitter etc... There are some fishing pages on these sites as well... I dont frequent them though... I only post here and read over at SFF and read jumpy stirring up fishnet...
Jumpy's ideas of streaming his fishing trips live was a great idea that has missed the boat (so to speak) ...

But i can take a photo on my phone and send it straight to Facebook and get 30 comments before i get off the water...
Its a lot easier than getting home f*cked and typing out a report and down loaded pics etc..
You've heard it here first... It will only be us on here getting a few extra mates along the way to keep in touch and share a little info... The world has moved ahed to quickly to turn these sites into massive concerns..
BTW, i like it like this...
Thats a really good point Bee's.....
So many people bag out Facebook, and I agree in some ways with some of the crap that goes on, but as a way of keeping in touch with friends and sharing media it is unreal! especially with friends wo dont live close. I keep in touch with mates all over australia and feel like i seen em yesterday...
So Does anyone on here have a Facebook Account??? If so we should all link up...
I already run a page on FB for a 4x4/Camping Group im involved in. Would be very easy to setup a page for FOS too.. It may steal activity from this site though which is not what we want.
Bees Knees
Nov 16 2011, 02:53 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Nov 16 2011, 07:01 PM)

Thats a really good point Bee's.....
So many people bag out Facebook, and I agree in some ways with some of the crap that goes on, but as a way of keeping in touch with friends and sharing media it is unreal! especially with friends wo dont live close. I keep in touch with mates all over australia and feel like i seen em yesterday...
So Does anyone on here have a Facebook Account??? If so we should all link up...
I already run a page on FB for a 4x4/Camping Group im involved in. Would be very easy to setup a page for FOS too.. It may steal activity from this site though which is not what we want.
Yeah, I'm on there... Bafoo is as well. Dont do a FOS page mate. It will kill this site. Look me up, I have done a Taylors Aluminium one as well... Already picked up some work from it..
Nov 18 2011, 07:02 PM
Nov 19 2011, 01:00 AM
Is it going to be a meet for FOS members or Facebook members? I'm not on facebook and will not be. Procrastination. There will not be a get together this year, I predict.
Nov 19 2011, 02:33 AM
FOS memebers but if there was any changes or anything sending people inboxes on facebook would be a great idea, only problem like you pointed out is some people don't have facebook
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 19 2011, 04:15 AM
FOS memebers but if there was any changes or anything sending people inboxes on facebook would be a great idea
Cant see the logic behind that nor do i want to
Since it's supposed 2b a fos thing why go to facebook ?
Personally i refuse to have anything to do with facebook or twittertops
Nov 19 2011, 04:30 AM
not saying that facebook is the way.. but it sure is a easier way to stay in touch with people.....
if yas wanna do a chrissy gig in early jan at my place at sanctuary point then sweet,,,, can do that!
then we can all go for a fish in the bay or basin depending on weather,,
Nov 19 2011, 01:07 PM
Facebook, what is it, I just don't get it.
Nov 19 2011, 03:34 PM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Nov 19 2011, 11:30 PM)

not saying that facebook is the way.. but it sure is a easier way to stay in touch with people.....
if yas wanna do a chrissy gig in early jan at my place at sanctuary point then sweet,,,, can do that!
then we can all go for a fish in the bay or basin depending on weather,,
I would sure be up for that, anywhere that's safe for my BBB boat ? can't do outside in it .
Nov 19 2011, 03:36 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Nov 20 2011, 08:07 AM)

Facebook, what is it, I just don't get it.
I seen a movie the other day FACEoff and that was hard to get also,,, had to keep remembering who was really who.
Nov 19 2011, 05:06 PM
We can have the meet at our place if people want, Chipping Norton isn't too far for most people I guess.
Half the people on FOSs have been here before anyway...
Bees (but I pretended I wasn't home)
and we've had up to 50 people for other get togethers.
Got beer, BBQ, pool, pool table, big TV to amuse the kids, 3 big outdoor tables, plenty of chairs and a V8 airconditioner.
How about Sunday 4th, 10.00am 'til whenever?
Nov 19 2011, 05:07 PM
I seen a movie the other day FACEoff and that was hard to get also,,, had to keep remembering who was really who.
Don't feel bad I didn't get it either, just too confusing I put it down to me going senile.
Nov 19 2011, 10:03 PM
The basin sounds good at Chads, and also Feds on the 4th, maybe on the 4th we should do the meet at the club on Botany ? what's the name of it ? tell me and i'll make a thread and we'll get this thing going, seeing how there's only 10 members max that'll go, 2 weeks is more then enough notice
Nov 19 2011, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Nov 20 2011, 05:03 PM)

The basin sounds good at Chads, and also Feds on the 4th, maybe on the 4th we should do the meet at the club on Botany ? what's the name of it ? tell me and i'll make a thread and we'll get this thing going, seeing how there's only 10 members max that'll go, 2 weeks is more then enough notice
IF you're talking about the 4th December, I will be down Burrinjuck dam fishing for Murray Cod and the like,, Cod opening starts 1st December and I go to burrinjuck every year to catch my first cod of the season.
If you guys end up having some sort of get together on that week end, just pretend I am there.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 20 2011, 12:31 AM
only weirdo's get down there
Nov 20 2011, 03:00 AM
just cause you dont know how to catch fish there!
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 20 2011, 03:53 AM
Yeah well i had to spend the day baby sitting baby potato didn't I
He may not be able to cook baby potato's but can sure cook an outboard motor
oz man
Nov 20 2011, 11:25 AM
Sorry the 4th is out for me , I have to attend an executive committee meeting.
Which I called for so wouldn't be nice if I didn't turn up.
Jumpus GooDarus
Nov 20 2011, 12:05 PM
Secret Womens Buisness ??????????????????????????
oz man
Nov 20 2011, 12:44 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Nov 21 2011, 07:05 AM)

Secret Womens Buisness ??????????????????????????
I Wish it's about the townhouse I own at werrington and a couple of the tenants in the block of 14.
Nov 21 2011, 02:19 PM
Found this as a pinned/sticky thread....
I bet the coast guard will love these guys using 86 for boat to boat club chat.
Got the daily double here.
This is an extreme long shot but I have known it to happen,,,
When your tank was run with the breather closed, your tank would have created a vacume effect, plastic tank would have sucked in a bit steel tank just vacumed, now what happens in extreme cases is the primer bulb has a one way valve inserted to one of the end pieces that join onto the hose,, the suction of this MAY have dislodged this one way valve and twisted it around/floating within the bulb, and possibly lodged in the tube the wrong way around preventing fuel from getting past. When the flow of fuel ceases, when engine stopped, the valve drops to the bottom of the bulb allowing fuel to go through.
As I say a long shot.
Another possibility is when the tank suched in it dragged all the shit off the bottom of the tank and has blocked the fuel system filters etc.
When the engine stops ( as it would have to do to change plugs ) the pressure within the fuel line relaxes and allows the one way valve to fall free and allows enough fuel to get through,,, might go forever before fowling up again.
No wait! It's a trifecta, all from the same thread.
You never know what you sucked out of your fuel tank
when it was in a strong vacuum from leaving the breather closed !
Dec 3 2011, 10:55 PM
I just don't get it, is there a meat and great, franks place at the basin sounds good to me, Feds place sounds good to me, Chads place sounds good to me, the club were we met last time sounds good to me, have I missed any.
Anode is there for a reason
To sacrifice itself so the motor dosen't, it's not there to solve your steering woe's contrary to what people think.
Dec 5 2011, 06:33 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Dec 2 2011, 11:58 AM)

Got the daily double here.
No wait! It's a trifecta, all from the same thread.
And what is so wrong with my comments in that thread ?.
Have you never heard of a similar thing happening ?.
With the breather closed it's the fuel pump that creates the vacume and that vacume is uniform for all parts of the fuel system before the fuel pump.
This reduces the fuel flow and puts less pressure on primer bulb valves and the reduced fuel flow also lessens the chance of sucking up any debris from the tank.
The Viking was definitely a better sea boat but the Trailcraft is much easier to fish out of.
Nearly forgot that one, Haji's Viking was sure a good looking boat, way better looking than my babyshit brown one.
Dec 5 2011, 11:55 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Dec 6 2011, 05:56 PM)

With the breather closed it's the fuel pump that creates the vacume and that vacume is uniform for all parts of the fuel system before the fuel pump.
This reduces the fuel flow and puts less pressure on primer bulb valves and the reduced fuel flow also lessens the chance of sucking up any debris from the tank.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 6 2011, 02:05 AM
Now du ewe guya believe me
Been telling ewes 4 ages Fed is a
gooseHe even wears wittle goose socks
Dead giveaway
Go and drain your water separator and change your anodes Jumpy.
Dec 25 2011, 11:34 PM
This has gotta be the quote of the week from Testlab.
Most of those older omc engines do not have syncros.
Dec 27 2011, 02:39 AM
like many - i was totally against facebook and only joind up mid 2011 and have never looked back.
With todays tecnology inbuilt to a mobile phone - one has a mini computer/ internet/phone/GPS etc right in the palm of their hands.
As Bees mentioned - fishing trips can be logged , photos taken and shared within an instant. Most people these days carry a I phone and with this the information is at our fingertips.
I browse forums every day and do most of it via my phone cause i can do it in my lunch break etc and not have to sit at a pc when i get home.
This forum is great however I feel that give it a few years - most people will be doing everything they do on a home computer via there portable phone and i mean everything.
Dec 27 2011, 03:14 AM
I've got a 140 suzzie as well and it had me stuffed when I first got it fitted why it was pulling to one side so bad till I worked out the tab had to be turned opposite to the way the boat pulled.
You wouldn't mind except these are people who claim to know what they're talking about & giving advice to others.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 28 2011, 03:39 AM
"A furlong is the length of a horse."
Said by: Goose
Dec 28 2011, 03:08 PM
ANY POST BY HAJI.....am I shouting
Here's another wanker.
The quote is in response to a picture put up of a boat with the trim tab turned to the
They can be strange and not always do what you expect but generally if you shifted it to opposite side it would turn the boat to the left. Then to go straight you turn the wheel slightly to the right resulting in a change in lean more to starboard.
That Fishnet thread just won't die I'm tempted to join just to laugh at them.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 9 2012, 12:54 AM
QUOTE (storms72 @ Dec 29 2011, 10:08 AM)

ANY POST BY HAJI.....am I shouting

WiYu make fun of haji that's dc job
Yo goose did you get a read @ that fuel leak sender thread
Some of these guys should be shot
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