Haven't been fushing a great deal of late & had 4gotten all about it
Even missed a warning sign last wednesday when i saw Shinny Head towing the Seafairy the other way down the m5

2 crackers 2day in under 2 minutes @ the ramp
1st was when i pulled up @ wharf was tie'n up mini me when i heard a smelly noisy 2 stroke reving it's arse off.
Boat was tied off to wharf guy undid rope started motor hadn't released dooberlacky thingy that holds motor up, boat had a flip up bait board which was still flipped up obscuring guys sight to motor.
Boat was drifting into break wall arse 1st with prop spining 100 mph dont know if he had a prop left after that ordeal cause i was on the other side walking up to get car.
When sum ting caught my eye

300 meters up the ramp