Telemarketer: "Hello is this Mr Shinyhead I'd like to talk to you about your computer."
Mr Shinyhead: "Yes this is Mr Shinyhead how can I help you?"
Telemarketer: "Oh, Mr Shinyhead how are you today?"
Mr Shinyhead: "I'm fine thank you, how are you?"
Telemarketer: "I'm good thank you I'd like to talk to you about your computer"
Mr Shinyhead: "Sure but first can you tell me are you wearing any panties?"
Telemarketer: "Huh?... I'd lke to talk to you about your computer."
Mr Shinyhead: "Sure but are you wearing any panties?"
Telemarketer: "Huh?... I don't know?"
Mr Shinyhead: "You don't know if you're wearing panties? Put your hand down between your legs and have a feel around"
Mr Shinyhead: :Can you feel anything down there?"
Telemarketer: CLICK
How rude, she hung up on me.