Hit the rocks 2 hours into the run up, which is not the time to fish this location. I was surprised at the size of the swells rolling in across the river, but figured it would be safe in the estuary. Between sets, it was almost glassy but the white water washing out hinted otherwise. Baited up and tossed the float into the wash, to see it pulled under almost immediately. A good, solid fish washed up in the next swell. Beaudy!!. Got the next three within a matter of minutes and then it went quiet for about 20 minutes. A few big surges came through and one was thigh deep, splashing up and soaking me to the waist. There is no real power in these surges and I was at a spot I knew was safe for me. Next fish was feisty but proved to be only 33cm, so was released. Got three more in quick succession and called it quits. Ninety minutes fishing and an hour to clean, fillet and skin the catch. The swells were getting bigger and washing higher up the rocks than I have seen before, so it was wise to finish when I did. Fish were all between 38cm - 40cm and males in full milt. Spoilt their sex life, it seems.