No surprises 2day except traffic on the road was a bitch, launched the goat was a mile short of where i fushed last week & slowed down to sound that area looked goodarus & i was runing a bit late for tide change due to traffic.
Thought i'll try here in the deeper water B4 hitting shallows of last week i'd armed the goat with the 2 Scotty2Hotty's plan was to D/R HB's for the Snappy Toms when wind died down & i had no drift.
Nice .7 knot drift @ this time so out went the 1st SP rod had just closed bail arm sat rod in holder turned around to rig up next rod when i heard this funny noise.
Well Tickle Me Fanny i turned around to see rod buckled over & drag peeling off the reel, right away i knew it was a goodarus Snappy Tom
1st of the day kept him & it weighed 3.6 kg on the scales

Nailed another 4 of around same size & all went quiet looked @ GPS & i wasn't moving wind had stoped & so had the drift

Oh well time to try the HB's & that's when i had my 1st & only wittle BUT of the day

2 new lures out of the packets clip releases rod buckles over drag peeling a minute later all went quiet, retrieved lure to set up again though i better inspect it & guess what ??
Some bloody idiot thought it a good idea to put wittle invisible plastic tubing over the hook points so well done i didn't notice them when i Fed out the lure

No more hits after that so went back to plastics nothing of relevance caught so i packed up an hr or so later