Did sneak out yesterday left it way to late only got a couple of hrs fushing time in && if you take away 3/4's of that time spent re-rigging cause of those bloody barracouta's we got 1/2 hr fushing time for one keeper around the 1 & 1/2 kg mark.
Mate from down there was also out with early start & they faired not much better than us all day for 2 fish 3kg was their bigger one.
Opted to go out again 2day allready had made up my mind yesterday but alas sleepies got the better of me again looked outside thought bugger the cold & opted to take the big boat & launch in the bay a nutter slow trip down.
Day started off well 1st drift produced nothing special but consistant snapper for Wozza a couple of keepers around 35 cm's rest a bit smaller & throw backs.
Jumpus was fishless @ this point but i was working plastics wasn't going to rig bait if those coutta's were about & Wozza was starting to pay me out 6 nil bla bla bla.
Chose a different drift next time wozza hooked up again & so did Jumpus on plastic wozza get's his in 1st & i

Woz had no idea why i made him pose with his the smallest of the day but Jed knew

My 1st of the day, plastics seem to produce the bigger fish down there mind ewe's nothing flash about this wittle wun but it was close to 2kg if not 2kg but alot more fun on the lighter spin gear

A couple more for me after that + a mowie of about 2kg which i thought was a real good red they go hard on plastics
Woz like yesterday spent more time re-rigging due to coutta i didn't lose anything to the plics today except for a couple of chewed up plastics
Started pissed down around 4pm & called it a day