Jul 28 2011, 05:08 PM
OK guys a few of you blokes know what FANG is, for those that don't it stands for Fishnet Anglers Network Group.
It was formed by a few members of Fishnet back in 2002 and has branches in Qld, Nsw, ACT, and Vic and SA there was a branch in Tas for a short while but that quickly folded due to lack of interest.
Now those who know and are members of Fang NSW that are also members here will know it's not a busy site most of the time except when an event is coming up.
To be quiet blunt it's DEAD, quiet pathetic and there will be days and days without anyone posting on the site.
This is part reason I am having a recruitment drive, to boost the membership and perhaps get some more interest in the group.
We have recently combined all the states branches and formed FANGAUST, and we are seeking new members.
May I say to the ADMINS of this site,,, I am NOT trying to take members away from here, merely giving each and every member a chance to join us at another friend bassed site.
The sites are much the same as this one where we are all mates and we can take the piss out of each other without outsiders interfering and putting their worthless opinions forward.
FangNSW have several meetings and outings per year and they are always great fun.
Family's are more then welcome to join in on any activity we have,,, The Houseboat trip might be an exception where it is blokes only,,,,,,,.
Anyone who wishes to join, please PM me details. Name, prefered user name, email, sex, date of birth, location.
Or if you want further information don't hesitate asking.
Absolutely no details will go beyond the Admin of the site unless wanted.
Cheers to all Frank
Jul 28 2011, 08:11 PM
Hi Frank,
tell them to come over here and use this site. Completely unmoderated, so complete freedom of speech. :-)
Jul 28 2011, 08:20 PM
Yea, i got enough to keep up with already sorry frank and would prefer to see Fish Oz grow..
Alot of forums seem to be dying off at the moment though.. Think people get on and take em all to serious.
oz man
Jul 28 2011, 09:22 PM
Lol just had a look and gee they go in for sponsors advertising and you guys complain if I have a simple one.
Anyhow it doesn't worry me if you wish to prompt the site.
But what we need is more members here and open the memberships not have it that admin must validate so as to stop spammers.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 28 2011, 10:58 PM
QUOTE (jack @ Jul 29 2011, 02:11 PM)

Hi Frank,
Completely unmoderated, so complete freedom of speech. :-)
Haven't had the need to moderate anything here it's actually a well behaved site
Yo Frank
My mutt has got 2 big Fangs are they like the ones you're trying to promote ??
Jul 29 2011, 01:23 AM
OZ Fang Nsw is what I am promoting firstly and the fang Aust site is open to nsw members to join if they wish.
There is absolutely no advertising on Fangnsw site.
And I can't see how you would have had a look at it as it is members only site.
oz man
Jul 29 2011, 01:49 AM
yep your right I was looking at Fishnet . yep it still has ads on it front screen , could hack if I wanted to see inside but not interested.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 29 2011, 01:52 PM
But what we need is more members here and open the memberships not have it that admin must validate so as to stop spammers.
Whats the point of having members who have no intention of never visiting again after they've spamed
Why did you remove the Admin validating option ?????????
That's 7 of the plics i've had to delete this morn
Jul 29 2011, 02:30 PM
oz man
Jul 29 2011, 03:06 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jul 30 2011, 07:52 AM)

Whats the point of having members who have no intention of never visiting again after they've spamed
Why did you remove the Admin validating option ?????????
That's 7 of the plics i've had to delete this morn
This is how it is set
Make an administrator manually preview all new accounts or make new users validate their email address. If "User then Admin" validation is selected, the user receives a validation email. On successful user validation, the user is entered into the administration approval queue.
so the user must first validated their emails and then it is the admin queue for approval.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 29 2011, 03:44 PM
That's the way it used to be & It Dosen't Work
The way it was prior to you changing it again was just fine
I'm the one in Admin sorting those plics out all the time & you've just made it hard again
If i'm gone for a week you'll have an additional 2000 bullshit members all from spam sites filling up the threads with there crap or registering just to steal email address's my box was full this morn something that hasn't happened for ages
Jul 29 2011, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Jul 29 2011, 07:49 PM)

yep your right I was looking at Fishnet . yep it still has ads on it front screen , could hack if I wanted to see inside but not interested.
Yep you are right, there is A add on the opening page,,,, I didn't know of that as I go directly to the forum page from my short cut.
We don't have adds on the forum page as we members pay for the site , think it's about 120 $$$ all up and this keeps the adds off it.
Also being members only we select who becomes members Via a committee and a would be member must be nominated by a full member.
HAHAHA Fishnet is where it all started and it sure as hell don't need any promoting or member recruiting, there's about 5000 odd members I would rather get rid of there instead of getting more members.
You are a brave man openly admitting on a public forum that you can HACK a site.
Probably the most hated persons in computer land are hackers.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 29 2011, 04:07 PM
You are a brave man openly admitting on a public forum that you can HACK a site
This is how he does it, goes to a site opens home page then starts spitting on his monitor till he cant see the page anymore, it's an old arabian camel trick.
Hacking, Spiting same thingy
oz man
Jul 29 2011, 10:20 PM
QUOTE (nimrod @ Jul 30 2011, 09:59 AM)

Yep you are right, there is A add on the opening page,,,, I didn't know of that as I go directly to the forum page from my short cut.
We don't have adds on the forum page as we members pay for the site , think it's about 120 $$$ all up and this keeps the adds off it.
Also being members only we select who becomes members Via a committee and a would be member must be nominated by a full member.
HAHAHA Fishnet is where it all started and it sure as hell don't need any promoting or member recruiting, there's about 5000 odd members I would rather get rid of there instead of getting more members.
You are a brave man openly admitting on a public forum that you can HACK a site.
Probably the most hated persons in computer land are hackers.
Why you pay when it is a free script and is free hosted.
This Board Hosted For FREE By ProBoards
And me hack LOL .
But most hacking now is software.
Anyhow why pay when it is all free, not like here we use a licensed IPB script and I have a reseller hosting license.
Was thinking of upgrading to 3.2 which is the latest script but is $145 a year for the license.
Why not get the members their to come to here .
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 29 2011, 10:50 PM
Why not get the members their to come to here
Cause they'll see me & run away
Gets worse
Wot if Fed starts showing his Shiny Head & starts laying eggs all over the threads
Jul 29 2011, 11:54 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Jul 30 2011, 04:20 PM)

Why you pay when it is a free script and is free hosted.
This Board Hosted For FREE By ProBoards
And me hack LOL .
But most hacking now is software.
Anyhow why pay when it is all free, not like here we use a licensed IPB script and I have a reseller hosting license.
Was thinking of upgrading to 3.2 which is the latest script but is $145 a year for the license.
Why not get the members their to come to here .
There are quiet a few of the fang members I have recruited to this site in the past, but alas Jumpy summed it up.
They see jumpy is part of the site and consider it's not for them

As for the site being free, I don't know about that, I leave that sort of thing up to the ADMIN.
Actually the site you linked to hasn't been used for years, I just clicked it and it's the OLD site
oz man
Jul 30 2011, 12:24 AM
so he's to blame for the slow growth, interesting so if that not the address what is it then.
As that site was a free script and a free host.
So what is the domain.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jul 30 2011, 01:15 AM
so he's to blame for the slow growth
Bloody oath
Majority of people on these sort of forums are sooks.
Moment you Q them on something they get the shits & go have a sook
They see me coming & they disappear i seem to have that effect on people
Jul 30 2011, 04:24 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Jul 30 2011, 06:24 PM)

so he's to blame for the slow growth, interesting so if that not the address what is it then.
As that site was a free script and a free host.
So what is the domain.
Does this mean anything?
Powered by SMF 1.1.4 | SMF © 2006-2007, Simple Machines LLC
AsI said I don't know anything about the workings of web sites, I just use them.
oz man
Jul 30 2011, 10:08 PM
Yes SMF is a free script and they should upgrade to version 2.0 as 1.1.4 had alot of bugs by memory or was it 1.1.3 that had the bugs anyhow its a script and is very user freindly and most hosting sites give it away free in softaculous auto install progam when you host with them.
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