Yo Spudley
You still alive out there or did the sabre toothed guinea pigs eat you ????
Bakala ling ling me this morn wanted to go get R licence
I had a goodarus shit stirarus with him
Bloody iriot ended up buying a Sako 30-06 whilst we were in there
What ewe going to do with the 22-250 i asked, give it to the kids he said
Well that did it i got down on my kness hands up on the counter
What ewe going to buy me dad
No pics no more stories but couldn't 4get the last night there even if i wanted to still laughing thinking about it
Thought i'd introduce Spud & Nic to the fun sport of ketching quail alive tis a night time thing wun does with a spot light
You drive through the paddock slowly car spooks the quail into flight watch were it lands race over cant take your eyes off the landing spot little shits are to well camo'd
Originally did this with just bare hands then jerried a hand net saved hands from all the thorns
Anyways jumpus bagged the 1st 3 wittle quails but there was wun hu gave me the shits had to chase it all over the place the idiot must've thought it was a duck & i was bees
Anyways peeps thought it time i set my mutt Spudley out to ketch himself a quail what a laugh that was Nic & i were in the ute pissing ourselves laughing watch baby patoto bigfoot runing around the paddock scaring the crap out of all the quail.
I eventually stoped laughing 3 hrs later

& thought i better feed spud with some IQ on how it's supposed to be done hand brake on out the ute i went up to spud & told him you ninny
wise man stalk with soft heel, wise man no make more noise than an elephant he sort of got the message cause now he was dancing around the paddock like a gay fairy
We were cacking ourselves in the car esp when the spud finally nearly got one just about he had it right up till the time he fist pumped the sky & the quail flew away
Spud had had enough by now frustration had set in & it was up to mrs potato to show him up what a classic that was of all the people on this planet to show her how it was done she coped the Spud as a teacher whilst the Wise Man sat in the ute
Nic was stalking I was looking looking & more looking Spud was pointing to the quail

Nic starts stalking stalking stalking i'm looking looking & more looking net goes out SUMO flop no quail flying away & i thought good girl time to pay out on Spud cause he still hadn't got wun yet but GUESS WHAT ?????????????????????????????????????????
Nic had a bum boofy woofy in the form of Spud who doesn't know the difference between a quail & a live ROCK
Yep Nic had netted her 1st rock
Chained Spud to back of ute after that & Nic got her 1st quail
But still no quail for spud he was whining on the back of ute & i felt sorry for him so uncliped the chain & let him have another go