Never fished there B4 & weather predictions looked very favourable for the weekend according to the weather forcasts & all i can say is what a bunch of liars

Got there Fliday arvo & it was magic weather, settled into motel & went on walkabout catching up with mates who live there & hadn't seen for years.
Visited ramp/cleaning tables ran into peeps i knew from here, fish had turned it on all week, later that night had dinner @ pub with skippo the bush kangaroota & his crew they'd brained the SBT est 40 fish that arvo watched a bit of video taken looked awesome & i had a stiffy.
My crew didn't rock up down there till after midnight knew i should've locked the door cause plics woke me up, up early 5 am on the water still dark took it easy out cause i had no idea where anything was just followed markers & gps then it got light & it was hammer time.
30 knots all the way out was a good 35 mile run out to some marks i was given stopped 6 miles short & put lures out after marking fish on sounder took 1/2 hr & we had a triple hookup.

Ended up with a 3 : 3 :2 third fish spitting hook @ boat

Have to admit i wasn't impressed @ all with the fight capabilities of the SBT's very poor compared to similar size YFT so opted to put away the 24 kg sticks & out with the 15kg & 10kg outfits.
Out they go 20 minutes later triple hookup wunce again one fish cut across other line & we lost that lures then the plic fish that did the cutting spat it's hook so DomiDiDomDom was the only one still attached again not much of a fight on 15kg stick.

Opted to cube after that to no avail so out with the lures again kept marking fish on sounder but plics didn't want to play & the few who were on the radio were all complaining lack of fish seemed like all the action was b4 11 am.
Wind had started blowing by then we pulled lures for a few more hrs to no avail had a long trip home with sea's picking up & wind blowing it's arse off
Wasn't what they predited & not looking goodarus for sundy