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Fishing oz style > Fishing Reports > Fishing Reports
Went out jigging today... Have some pics when i get them off the camera!

Used some new style tactics and caught got some interesting catches.
Jumpus GooDarus
Na Na Na

Rub tsitiki on them
Where are you Rumpus? You're like 'The shadow'. Get married and then we hear nothing about you. Were you jigging in the mines? In the krik? Do you still live where you used to when you were single? Moved? Are you down on the Shoalhaven? Where are you Rumpus? What's goin on!!!
I'm in blacktown & the niggers are thick
Get your arse out here
did I say that?
oz man
What your near my home.
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jun 15 2011, 09:39 AM) *
I'm in blacktown & the niggers are thick
Get your arse out here

I was in Blacktown yesterday, you're pretty close to me, why not drop in for a chat.
Well close compared to West Wyalong or wherever you reside anyway.
My daughter has just moved to Tennant Crik and the niggers are thick out there too.

Did I just say that!!!
It may have been my goodarus friend putting words into my mouth!

Had a good day today.. Lots of pigs, i mean pics and story to follow!
We got this sow today & jumpy reckons she had bigger tits than Bees's Man Boobies

I find that hard to believe laugh.gif laugh.gif
I just don't get it?
Jumpus GooDarus
That's because ewe never had it

Fed da Ferret wood av got it, he went jiggy wit it
Fed the ferret did get jiggy wiit it..

Heya Frank, Yea, im still out west wyalong, haven't been to sydney in a long time. Been busy with Weddings and buying a house down at Sanctuary point which im hoping will be mine in the next few hours.

Roomer has it that Jumpus is traveling east through NSW with Ken, George, Fed the Ferret and 4 new little friends, possibly named Bugs, Peter, Roger and the easter bunny? How will their adventure end up?
Are you moving to Sanctuary Point Rumpus or is the house for later on?
renting a few rooms out to a mate so ive still got use of it but ill stay living and working out west.
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jun 16 2011, 11:54 AM) *
Roomer has it that Jumpus is traveling east through NSW with Ken, George, Fed the Ferret and 4 new little friends, possibly named Bugs, Peter, Roger and the easter bunny? How will their adventure end up?

I definately, 'don't get it'.
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Jun 16 2011, 01:09 PM) *
renting a few rooms out to a mate so ive still got use of it but ill stay living and working out west.

Friend of mine just sold a house in Santuary Point , finalised 3 weeks ago, only 1 k or less from the boat ramp, moved to bloody Campbelltown,,, go figure.
QUOTE (nimrod @ Jun 16 2011, 03:21 PM) *
Friend of mine just sold a house in Santuary Point , finalised 3 weeks ago, only 1 k or less from the boat ramp, moved to bloody Campbelltown,,, go figure.

We found a house 3 weeks ago, finalized hopefully this week, 1km from St Basin Boat Ramp, Owners live somewhere near campbeltown, but i dont think they lived in it, i think they rented it out..

I definately, 'don't get it'.

You dont remember Ken, Catch and JG driving from Syd to Manilla Via Lithgow?

Anyhow, he tells a better story than I do so Ill leave it to him!
Ahhh, of course - Ken the GPS. Yes, a finer trio you can't imagine.
Jumpus GooDarus
No bloody ken in my car ewe wally's
Jumpus GooDarus
A bit lazy to do all the sendups but had to do this wun 1st

Well peeps Bees has met his match, not bigger just more of them laugh.gif laugh.gif

Jumpus GooDarus
Even Spudly got sum IQ this time & knew what TsiTsiki means laugh.gif laugh.gif

went out there again this arvo JG, nothing all run until we pulled up at the grid that we start/finish at and Xena jumped.. Pulled up another little sow. She really coming along working off the ute now!
Jumpus GooDarus
See what happens when sum bloody like me rocks up & shows ewe how to use IQ laugh.gif laugh.gif

Wont be long b4 that little mongrel gets out there, ewe'll just have to teach it not to lick the pigs to death laugh.gif laugh.gif
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