Do you believe this stuff?;#entry403918I'm not a member there, I decided a long time ago not to join due to the obvious censoring.
It was a wise decision, the admin over there needs to give themselves an uppercut.
Yes, I believe it. I have been told by an admin, that they also are able, and do, read P.M's.
I wouldn't go so far as to call you wise though, Fed.

Been fishing?
No fishing mate, 2-4M swells today, maybe next week when it settles down a bit.
I rarely do PMs are you trying to scare me, it's email for me all the way.
oz man
Jun 3 2011, 03:59 PM
lol yep your right there they have a mod in that allows then access to all correspondence on the site PM and email.
I could do that here also but why , should I send my time monitoring for knifes.
It is a simple mod that can be installed on all IPB boards they are using 3.1.2 version which has heaps of bugs and the 14000 member I would say 85% are bots using the loop holes.
Jun 3 2011, 06:12 PM
boy they are up tight over there
J.G. I know i had a add for my boat on here as well as other sites, so dose that mean i will be baned, oooohhhhhhhhhh the shame of it
That would be the bane of your life eh Poly?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 3 2011, 10:44 PM
Ha Ha Ha
Ewe plics dont know how goodarus ewes have it here
I even allow chat in regards to plastic boaty thingys
How long ewes reckon i'd last there
Jun 3 2011, 10:50 PM
i think you should join just for fun...
FOS invasion on fishraider....
Hey TOM MC... dont ya visit us anymore?
Jumpus GooDarus
Jun 3 2011, 10:55 PM
May just do that & place a 4 sale add for a boat
I reckon you'd last about 5 seconds there Jumpy.
Well, you'd better hurry.
"Fishraider is a place to come and share fishing stories and experiences. It is not an online selling/auction or trading forum. There are many other sites that you can do those sorts of activities.
Maybe it is time we closed fishraider altogether. If it gets too much harder that is what will happen.
Finally to Tim Mc - your comment What do we do next, stop talking about fishing is quite interesting. You joined us in 2008 and have contributed 28 gems in the way of posts to the site (2 posts in March and May selling boats) it seems to me that you don't do much talking about fishing in any case. If you or anyone else wants to debate the subject please pm me and I will gladly give you a call. Maybe we should take some of their slice of the pie and charge you Tim for coming on this site I bet that wouldnt sit too well with you my friend ? NOW WOULD IT.
Thanks to everyone for making this a viral post, the hits are clicking up by the second! "
"Do you really wont to ruin it for Total Members 14,459 "
Didn't know we had that many fishos in the world!!! Whats going on? If they close then JG will loads of member applications to process.
Jun 4 2011, 01:28 AM
best they keep going, we don't want up tight buggers like that over here, I think Ang would have to change his rules and ban a few of them
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