I launched at 8am and went to jibbion, burleyed up for 2 hours, i got 3 yakkas and lost a squid.
It was slow going, enough wasting time there i headed straight outside but the swells were up, to high for my liking so i drifted about a 1km of the jibbion headland, hmh.. dropped the yakkas down, and some prawns and a floater while i flicked plastics.. nothing ? nothing ? nothing ? 3 hours later and i had no action at all, a few bites but that's about it.
I didn't want to keep wasting time i went inside and drifted my old Flathead grounds, love the Flathead, never let you down.
An hour later and i had 2 Flathead, 50cm and 40cm in the bag, caught and released a few little snapper, and a just undersized flounder.
Called it quits after that, a good way to end the day, and i am very happy with the way my boat is shaping up, just need to add a few more things on now, just counted and i've got 18 rod holders