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Picked myself up a new stick, wanted somethnig that could cast slightly bigger plastics etc for snapper or whateva might be on the bite,

Its a 7ft Uglystik frmo tackleworld, picked up a good deal (2 peice) has 2kg marked on it but its definatly heavier than that.

Running 6kg Fireline on it with my Sedona 4000.

Just wondering if anyone has used these rods?
Hi Chad,
Havn't used that particular rod but they are a good strong stick the ugly ones smile.gif
Chad I have used many an ugly stik they are a very durable rod with extreme strength as far as quality and strength goes they are second to none, they're downfall is that they are very heavy, Shakespeare make an ultra light Graphite range which is a lot lighter, has cork handles and is increadibly strong for a lightweight Rod. Last count I have 35 new Ugly Stiks left out in the shop.
yea mate, its a light rod, cork handles, id say partly graphite construction. SP2KG Exceed
Hi Chad, I am not familliar with Ugly stik EXCEED, I would say that it is a model made for Tackleworld, but if it has cork handles it is a light model the numbering system on ugly stik rods tells its design EG: SP means spin rod 2 means 2piece the prefix is generally US meaning Ugly Stik followed by the next letter refering to its series model EG: P platinum, G Gold, T titanium ect, in your case it would be E for Exceed 700 means 7ft yours should read 702 as in 7ft 2 piece. a rod prefix SP spin, BWS blue water spin, OHD overhead,CA casting rod, action is denoted by L light, M medium, MH medium to heavy and H for Heavy, Line class is usually a variable as 2-4 meaning 2to4kg, now you can find an Ugly Stik for any purpose..
Jumpus GooDarus
I have quite a few Fugly Sticks been using them for yonks.

Have to admit there's much better options with blanks if you're going to toss SP's around
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ May 30 2007, 03:05 PM) *
yea mate, its a light rod, cork handles, id say partly graphite construction. SP2KG Exceed

I am testing a new product from GripsnGloves P/L which you can wrap around a rod grip (or a lot of other tools, knives, paddles etc) which increases the grip on the surface you are holding. It is working great on the cork grips on my nigger (oops - blackfish - oops - Luderick) rod. Also have some on my rifle stocks. Good gear and available within the next week or two.
Finally found out what the rod is,

Ugly Stik Spinning Rod, 1.95m (66”), 4-8kg, with Fuji Alconite Guides and A Grade Cork Grips

Perfect matched with my Sedona 4000 and 6kg fireline for flicking plastics around for that one that will do the 3kg gear in,
That particular rod was made especially for tackle world and wont be found elsewhere,same blanks as the same as the traditional carbon/glass composites available now just a new name for tackleworld customers
In my humble opinion you cannot surpass a ugly stick for all round briallance for the new and pro fisho alike these things are bullet proof.I own quite a few they have been run over dropped hundreds of times from high places,stepped on bashed about and caught sharks huge 200plus kg rays and 5 cm bream...I love themm and no one could go wrong buying one.
Yea mully, mine has been used quite a few times now with the sedona and 6kg fire line and the feel of the rod is AWESOME! I LOVE using it and has quickly become my favourite rod.. Id liek to get a second spool and run some 4kg mono on it for lighter bottom bashing as the rod is actually quite light and you would not think its rated to 8kg by looking at the way it twithes with ven the smallest bite, ubt once loaded up it feels GREAT!

would recomend to anyone looking for a similar rod.
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