Had to endure a day with the Duck Flakka aka Fishscarer

He's like a old woman fair dinkum, took him over an hour just to park the car

Mean while me & Scotty2Hotty the 3rd had to put up with dickheads @ the ramp
Squids were hard to get so i started filling the LBT up with yakka's Duckman wouldn't shutup cause he got 2 squids thought he was a hero [WANKER more like it]

Got enough yakka's all by myself without any supervision opted to lift anchor & give squids anutter shot further down & yes peeps Jumpus the Legend found the Slippery wittle suckers shit that 1st drift even the DUCK FLAKKA got a few more they were that thick

Wasted all morn so far & thought better go find some girls, started out front of the bay found bait schools but not a touch on riggers.
Moved to 2 more spots & it was pretty dead no bait about so pulled up & moved wunce again.
Yakka on wun rigger, squid on the udder didn't give us much hope after all FishSraryPerson was on the boat saw him look into LBT & when i looked 5 minutes later 1/2 the yakka's were DEAD he scared the life out of them

1/2 hr later i see rod with yakka on it twitch so said to the boys it's going to get hit
What does the DUCK FLAKKA do ?????????????????
Goes grabs the rod yanks it & pulls yakka out of the girls mouth wot a WANKER then he came up with all these excuses

Next get a hit on the squid told Scotty2Hotty the 3rd to push DUCK FLAKKA out of the way B4 he grabbed the rod again clip released but no go with hookup so i reset shortly after Scotty2Hotty the 3rd got a taste of girly action not legal though.
Never used it B4 but had underwater vid camera on board water was pretty dirty so quality wasn't there but still managed to see girls coming in on the squids got a few more & called it a day