headed up to were we had nailed most of the fish on the last trip, there was just one small problem with this plan the fish had moved so after an hour of trying we moved up the lake to a spot near the yellow marker, for the first time I noticed it had writing on it best go take a looly look, BUGGER wish I hadn't now, it was a marker for a marine park who ever herd of a marine park in a small salt water lake [what are these stupid greens trying to prove] the lake is even closed to the sea,, time to take a break and have a think about the hole thing "by the way you can see the marker in the first photo"

starting to get a bit pissed off wont be able to settle down to fish now.
With a bit of prompting from possum we started back in to some fishing I lost a good sized flounder at the side of the yak and that was the some total of fish for the day couldn't even get the toads to bite, at least i have a good case of sun burn to show for the day.