with a cheap rod leash setting you back around $30, with 2 yaks to look after it is a lot better to make my own so here go's
[i got the idea for this off kayak fishing down under]
the things i need
2.5mm line trimmer cord about 1.5mts
a piece of dowel a bit of broom handle will do
cable ties
a pot to boil water
and a tray to hold ice water
an old blade screw driver hammer or crimping tool
drill and 3mm bit
ok drill a 3mm hole in the piece of dowel pass one end of the cord through the hole and wind the cord as tightly as you can around the dowel and secure the end with the cable tie

now place the bundle in a pot of boiling water for at least 10 minutes
remove and place in ice water for another 10 minutes, remove from the water

you can now remove the dowel and you should be left with a tight coil

now crimp in a loop at each end

there you are possum your landing net is finished

the crimps I used 600kg

hope you don't mind i just need to do this, some thing sensible for a change