Sick of raising fish virtually every trip with the only solid hookups being hairy marlins
Thought today was the day first strike came on port rigger we were fushing 37 kg's so strike made no impact rod bending over looked up saw fish just b4 it disappeared but no go with line leaving reel.
A minute or so later saw a marlin coming in from starboard rigger lure hone in back onto evil on port rigger but again rod buckled & prob 12" of line leave the reel may very well have been the same fish going from lure to lure.
40 minutes or so later plic of a striped came in starboard transom had big woofie there in case a blue was lurking about geez these little stripes have had a taste for my big lures of late & again a short burst from the ratchet & it was gone.
1/2 hr later chris yells out MARLIN
It was 200 odd meters in front of the boat jumping awaty merily so got a few 1/2 decent looks @ it & i said to chris it was not a marlin had me stumped though not close enough to positive id it I thought MAKO white underbelly dark top then saw wun more along side it.
Definately not dolphins my thoughts said maybe YFT guess i'll never know not close enough to tell for sure even though got plenty of lookies
Tracked sth after that & finally we were in came in on starboard rigger took about 80 meters of line & once again i didn't like what i wasn't hearing
Seems I cant win of late