We arrived in south Durass at about 7am set the kayaks up and were on the water 15 minutes later.
This is to be our first real try at fishing from the yaks, we have had a bit of a play around in the lake here just to get things sorted out so to speak.
Paddling west north west from the ramp Brings us to the first spot to try I have no sounder on either of the yaks so we are relying on memory of trips gone by, the plan is for me to try lures and possum bait in this case (white bait) I will be using 3.5gram vibes.
Possum has her first bait in the water and is baiting the second outfit when the first goes off with a bang, its a top bream at about 40cm that she shows me with great delight this really gets me going not a touch after 20minutes of trying so i change to bait. in this time possum has landed one more bream and two flathead not as big but still legal now its my turn with a lizard it had to be at least 70cm and a flounder that would cover a dinner plate........................ well almost, they are starting to go off the bite so we move to another spot, in the poly that would have taken about two minutes..... on the yaks 10minutes but oooohhhh so quietly, possum puts out her bait and i pick up my casting stick first cast one very large flat one for me at around 500mm possum lands the biggest toad I have ever seen and insists I remove it for her and of course i do with great delight giving her a ribbing about the quality of her catch,........................... oooohhhhhhh no on my next cast,,,,,,,, yes that's right i get one as well, even bigger than hers, and did my possum get a very good laugh out of that.
Sorry there are no photos as I left the camera on the desk at home, boy did i get a wack over the ear for that