Just spend the weekend down at my uncles, at Windang.
Had a pretty good relaxing weekend, caught a few fish and it was just a good all round weekend.
Left my place on Friday and got down Windang at 5pm, I went for a walk down to the lake and caught some Poddy Mullet and Whitebait in a small trap, and when I got back my uncle tells me how he wants to go for a fish off Port Kembla, no worries I’ll use the Poddies on Sunday. So I made some burley up and rigged up for Yakka’s on the light rods and Kings on the heavy rods.
I got up at 7 on Saturday and stopped in at the tackle shop, we got some Pilchards and fresh Prawns, only to look in the boat and realise e I had left the burley bucket at home, good one. No worries there like 5 bucks so I went back into the tackle shop. “Nah sorry mate, only got the drop style pots” alright no worries there is another tackle shop across the road, “Nah wouldn’t believe it just sold the last one about 10 minutes ago” or not.
Alright, that’s a downfall but we’ll work something out, put the boat in at the Port Kembla ramp, not a drop of wind, overcast, and looks like perfect fishing weather!

Got to the Yakka spot and put some burley in a bag with some holes it in and used a Hockey Strap to hold it over the side, yeah terrible, but it actually worked very well and we had Yakka’s around the boat within 10 minutes, the tank was full within 30 minutes.
Then it was Kingfish time, I put the throttle down and headed straight to the headlands, and as soon as we turned around the corner it was blowing 30 knot wind with a 2 meter swell, argh far out, I never get good weather.
Took it real slow to the first Island and put 2 livies out, while waiting for them to go off I was flicking for Snapper, but with a 2 meter swell and the wind it was hell, we drifted quick and the waves were close together, getting knocked around to much I thought maybe we’ll try just around the corner of the headland. Set the livies out there and put 2 baits with prawns on them to the bottom, got nothing, nothing, and nothing. After about 20 minutes the burley kicked in and we got some nice little snapper, all undersized but good fun anyway.
I was lucky enough to hook a legal Bream amongst all the Snapper at 26cm, one for the keep net at last.

After about 2 hours, one of the livies got bitten in half, I was thinking in my head must have been a Tailor, Send another livie out and zzZZzzzzzzzzz I was on, the fish ran to the anchor rope, Kingie much? Got up and bought the anchor up, it was a nice 40cm Tailor, oh well, still good, and a PB for me.

After that the action stopped 2 or so hours later we headed back, got a few more Yakka’s for tomorrow and headed in.

The next day was the day I wanted to fish Windang, got up at 7 and bought some fresh prawns.
First drift down the first channel and bang, the first Yakka was gone and we had a nice 45cm Flattie in the boat.

Next drift, nothing, snagged, snagged again, nothing. Alright, another drift.
Snagged, snagged, snagged, snagged, WTF? I have never got snagged fishing Windang and today we lost 6 livies to snags, and hooks, and sinkers, and swivels.
Alright so there were a few Yakka’s dead in the tank so we cut them in half and moved to a new spot with what looked like a hole near it.

First cast and bang, 53cm Flattie, nice! Next cast in the same spot, 51cm Flattie! Sweet, this is a top little spot.
Then after that the action stopped, again, and we got nothing for the next 2 hours.

The tide started to turn so we drifted down the channel with Prawns, we got nothing, for 2 hours trying all the spots, oh well with that we went and cleaned the fish, cleaned the boat and headed home.
All in all a good weekend, finding myself catching better and more fish more now with this boat, trying things I normally wouldn’t and it’s been paying off, just need to get into some decent Kings , that’ll be next week hopefully, already keen as!
