Mar 4 2011, 01:21 AM
Hey KKW I went and got myself a new pair of rock cleats yesterday. might put them on my Bowling 2 tone red and white shoes, would look real classie, the ones I walked out with from The bowling alley by mistake. Rang the alley back when I got home and told them and they said I might as well keep them as walking on concrete and biuman etc they would be no good for the bowling alley any more. so I scored a really comfy pair of shoes, just look odd to wear anywhere.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 4 2011, 01:41 AM
Watch out kk told ewe frank likes ewe now he wants to bowl ewe over
Seen those rock boots frank ??
Quite comfy occationally when i'm to lay to take a boat use them off the rocks
HaHa. You wouldn't look any odder than you do now Frank. oops, did I say that?

Leather and salt water may not be the best combination Frank. A pair of flat soled 'sneaker type' shoes or neoprene hard soled divers booties are good.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 4 2011, 02:33 AM
kk can ewe gives sum tips on what type of cushions wun should wear on the rocks ??
You know the blow up ones you use at home, with the hole in them - like a big donut - they would be good.
Mar 4 2011, 03:51 PM
You say blow up ones with hole in them,,, ( thinking you were talking to jumpy ) I was thinking something a rather different shape then a do nut.
The bowling shoes are out of the equasion.
How would you attatch cleats to divers shoes ? or do you use the shoes without cleats ?
Had a pair of divers booties and the zippers froze up with salt water the first use, yeah I know you spose to wash them,but you would think something designed to be soaked in salt water would be a bit more acceptant.
Will find a pair of appropiate shoes to put them on.
Probably never get around to using them just thought i might as well grab some cleats while they were on offer.
Yeah the cushion was for jumpy. He needs one that doesn't bruise his bunch of grapes - hence the hole in the centre of it.
The cleats should have come with bolts etc. If not, I have some here which are perfect for cleats. Where I fish, you don't really need them, but better safe than slipping over and tearing divots out of yourself on the barnacles.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 4 2011, 06:38 PM
QUOTE (kkw @ Mar 4 2011, 09:43 PM)

You know the blow up ones you use at home, with the hole in them - like a big donut - they would be good.
Having trouble glueing carpet aroung the hole kk to make it like authentic
How did ewe glue yours on ??????????
Had another quick fish this morning. Run up tide, moderate swell, crystal clear water. I could see the niggers come up the face of the rock shelf on the swell, take a few bites at the cabbage and go back down with the flow. The swells were a little uncomfortable today, with some washing over the rocks waist deep. A lot of power in those surges. Some were bigger than that and I had to back up to higher rocks. Only four downs again today. Have to find where they are now. Maybe Maroubra or Little Bay next time.
Landed two nice niggers (dinner tonight) and one drummer. Standing on the rocks, I could look down onto the sand where a 'chute' of beach lies between the rocks. About 50m wide. As the waves came in and broke, the sand was being stirred up and dragged out. Saw big salmon rush in several times and snap up whatever was getting washed around. Also a few big whiting doing the same thing.
Mar 7 2011, 01:24 AM
QUOTE (kkw @ Mar 5 2011, 03:13 PM)

No carpet. I go rustic.
What are you two blokes on about ,holes, carpet, rustic ?.
all dutch to me.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 7 2011, 01:29 AM
kk was just instructing me on how to make my own blow up doll frank
Told me they were much better than the bought wuns
I had a bit of prob glue'n the carpet into position & kk reckons bald pusst is the way 2 go say it give ewe that rustic feel
Huh!!!!? Is that what I was doing. I thought I was explaining how to make a cushion for your freckle.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 7 2011, 01:37 AM
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