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Fishing oz style > Chat > Lets Talk Fishing
Hi everybody. smile.gif
Its been a great week weather wise . so weres all the reports ? been a bit quiet.
my excuse is iv been sick / flu. this week. dry.gif
Shorly someones been out . even if its been just a couple of hr's.
I used to go out for a few hr's all the time,
used to say to the wife just going down to the shops, after a few hr's i'd come home , the wife would say , you were gone for a while what did you get.
Some bait I went fishing laugh.gif
alright,alright i'll admit i got back from fishing not long ago buuuut i got JACK

I went to Balmoral baths for a looksy,i caught a coupla yakka's,chukked 1 out live and used fillets and cubes from the rest and i also used a few prawns.
I had 3 rods going for about 3hrs and only managed a few small Bream and squire.I even wound the livy in still alive so i removed the hooks and let'im go.

I just got back from a weekend on the south coast Burill lake to be exact got some thumper bluenose bream,trevally and 3 bloody huge flathead and i froze my arse of at night,next house i rent will have a heater.
Jumpus GooDarus
Well my frog Buffty had a bad sore throat & I couldn't go fushing
Well give him a strepsill and if that does'nt work get rid of him.
With A 2 Iron Four laugh.gif
Hey scales I head they get some big breams there .
just by chance do you know a Ruben or Paul your name and job discription sounds familiar
i got a busted reel dose that count i will try to get down to J B next weekend B)
NO you mast have more than one shity reel biggrin.gif
Steve i have 3 Paul's that working for me and 2 others that i know so a little more info and i will let you know mate,i don't know a Ruben i might have met him but i cant recall i get to meet allot of people and I'm getting shittier with names.
QUOTE (Scales123 @ May 28 2007, 12:23 PM) *
Steve i have 3 Paul's that working for me and 2 others that i know so a little more info and i will let you know mate,i don't know a Ruben i might have met him but i cant recall i get to meet allot of people and I'm getting shittier with names.

if you dont know ruben then you mast be a different Goran. I just thought for a moment you might have been him same line of work. biggrin.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
He dosen't know scona !

Scona [Paul] the one STEVE was refering told one of his workers Ruben he'd pick him up from Foreshore Rd so he didn't have to drive out to Sylvania to the boat.

Well you guessed all the Poofy Woofies were chasing Ruben up & down Foreshore Beach

That would've made catchnrelease Jealous
u seam to know a lot about foreshore beach junpus tell us more laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
Well after last weekend I told Arnie Dog & CATCH22 to go get a BUSH there

Think those 2 are in LOVE get a load of CATCH trying to stick his tongue on Arnie's ear laugh.gif laugh.gif

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 4 2007, 07:07 PM) *
Well after last weekend I told Arnie Dog & CATCH22 to go get a BUSH there

Think those 2 are in LOVE get a load of CATCH trying to stick his tongue on Arnie's ear laugh.gif laugh.gif

And you loved every minute of it didn't you...Click to view attachment laugh.gif tongue.gif Click to view attachment
no excuse this time i went chasein redsfinshumungs in the lake but all i got were bam carp so i dident take aney pichers and i wont do a report so there :blowup:
what's my excuse this weekend, it's snowing mad.gif mad.gif
get out that big drill and make a hole in a lake,
ice fishing biggrin.gif
the ice was not thickend up yet may be tomorrow dry.gif dry.gif dry.gif
Make sure you keep your ICEHOLE covered up
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
hmmmmmm maybe an extra pair of undies hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ May 28 2007, 09:34 AM) *
Well my frog Buffty had a bad sore throat & I couldn't go fushing

I see you took my advise and got yourself a frog!!! good one goo...... laugh.gif
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