Took the boat for another run today, thought Long Reef would be worth a shot, well.
We got out there and it was way to choppy, the swell was up heaps, and there was no way i was going to head down to Long Reef. Change of plans i thought we'd get some fresh Bonito and fillet em up, and fish for kings inside somewhere, trolling, trolling, trolling, Bonito should of hooked on about now, trolling, trolling, then the rod went off ! i was thinking Kingie, but i couldn't quite work it out, it was doing runs like Kingies, but it had alot of head shakes, and up came this, well bigger then i usualy catch, Tuna looking fish ? I know it's a Tuna but what sort ? Going to smoke it up anyway, with the write up help from Haji.

We didn't end up getting any Bonito and i started to feel sick, so we headed in and burleyed up in a spot for a few hours.
We got a Flounder and a hand full of little Flatties on Soft Plastics, it was pretty quiet.

Called it a day after that, pretty quiet, but it was a good day and i am looking forward to getting out to Long Reef maybe next time.