A bit of a delayed report from Forster, i've been lazy haha.
Anyway, me and my Family did our usual Christmas time trip up to Forster, we left on the 24th and came back on the 3th. Alright alright let's get to the fishing side of things.
Forster, was REALLY quiet this year fishing wise, abit like last year ? i don't know what i've been doing wrong, but it's a place i can't seem to fish to well, alot of people have luck out in there boats but i always never do well.
The days consisted of me, getting up early in the morning, pumping (for like, an hour) to get 30 or so yabbies, then going for a fish with them on the run out.
Drifted channels, weed beds, sandflats, everywhere, i got lots, and i mean heaps of undersize bream, flathead, flounder, you name it, i caught it, undersized.
In the afternoons, i would grab either my Trion/Stradic with a blade or Trion/SOL and go for a spin.
Softies did no good for me, a few bites, but hardly any interest, i need to learn more about weights and sizes i think.
The blade scored me a few bream though, a few almost of size, but nothing really big.
Also lost some blades to i am guessing "flatties" dam crystal clear water with 4lb fluro.
Well, i did get SOME legal flatties, but everyone can catch a flattie, right ?

Anyway, we went out some nights prawning, they were running, but still about a week off running well, we got around 15 in 30 minutes, they had size to them, used them for bait but.
Got this little guy floating down with the prawns, abit to small so put him back.

We also had the mud crab pots out for a few days, checking them everyday, we got a few undersized ones that went back, but in between we got these to nice size buggers !

To top off a pretty fishless week, i broke my underwater camera, i knew i should of replaced the seals, there's a warning for anyone with an underwater camera, don't be lazy like me and say "It won't happen to me, i won't replace the seals" because IT WILL !
Anyways my dad thought he'd take some more time off work.
Dad packed the tent in the car, grabbed a table, some chairs, esky with food, some cooking/cleaning supply's, while i packed the boat, fishing gear, and what not.
Where to go, close to Sydney and fishes well ? I suggested The Basin and that's where we are now. Staying in Sussex Inlet itself though.
We got down here yesterday, and fished in the afternoon, The Basin is really REALLY dirty, like the water is a yuck brown colour.
We only fished for 20 minutes, got a few whitting and little bream, so we thought nah, let's head in, go into town, find out about that Sussex Inlet Bar, and hopefully cross it tomorrow in a bid to find some Kings/Snapper.
Found out all about it, got up early the next morning and crossed it, no problems
My first time crossing a bar, it wasn't the flatest day out there but there was no wind.
Soon as we got out there, i thought might as well troll, pick up a Kingies, or at worse a Bontio we can use for bait.
Put the lures down and bang, 5 minutes later the first lure got hit, grabbed it and felt the headshakes, said, yup it's a Bonito, then the other rod went off, we hit a school of Bonito dad
Got them up to the boat and cut them up for bait.
Alright lures out again, bang again, another Bonito, eh, good for a fight atleast.

Threw it back in and went out to the 20 meter mark for a bit of a bottom bash and a flick with the plastics.
With the Fresh Bonito on the bottom, i flicked my favorite 5" jerkshad out, Long Reef style 5 minutes later and i had one on, with big headshakes i knew straight away, another Bonito, can't get away from them !
Anyway back to bottom bashing, we picked up every rubbish fish in the book, Red Rock Cod, Wrasse, Parrot Fish, Big, and i mean the biggest Pike i have ever seen in my life, more Wrasse, aghhhhh.

Hit the sandy bottom and drifted for Flatties, they never let you down.
Got about 20 undersize fish, including this fish that had "no tail" ? Interesting huh.

Got a few nice flatties, up to 45cm, let heaps of just on 33cm fish go as well.

Finally i hook up to something with abit of weight in it, bring it up and it's about a 60-70cm Flattie, nice ! then the bastard spits the bait ! Was spewing.
Anyways what can i say besides that ? not much luck all around here.
A good thing is, i am starting to get a better feel for the boat, it really is a good improvement from my old boat.
It handles the lake awesome, It rides well outside in the swell, and to fish out of it is really nice, it's stable and there is heaps more room. Once i install some more rod holders, rocket launchers, GPS/Depth Finder/Bait Board/Bait Tank, change the Bimini, and add a font clear it'll be perfect for what i want.
And all i can say is i am 4 stroke converted. Topped the tank up for the first time, tank is 50/60 litres, one or the other, and we have clicked over 3 hours on the motor, done 27miles and the fuel gauge only dropped one bar ! i hope it's not playing up or something !
It's also oh so quiet, smooth, and just so nice to cruise with, couldn't be happier with it to be honest.

Well good camping feel here, gotta love my fail fire

Anyways, fishing early tomorrow again, might hit Jervis, or might go up to Port Kembla, if the weather isn't crash hot we will be going home tomorrow.
More reports to come