Jan 16 2011, 08:45 PM
Blackfish normally slow dow around this time of year, or the smaller fish turn up and make a nuisance of themselves. Mind you, they race around and fight above their weight at 25-30cm and you feel like you have hooked a bigger fish than the one which finally comes in.
The water today was quite dirty (for Port Hacking) but there was a bit of wash working. First cast with a new float saw it hit the water and keep going straight down. Too much lead, I thought, and when I lifted the rod to reel the line back, I was connected to a fish. What the!!! The bait must have landed right in front of it and it took off. A nice sized fish too. I battled it for a minute or two and a swell carried it onto the rock platform. Bent down to pick it up and the backwash beat me to it. Busted off at the hook. Re-rigged and tossed the bait back in. The float was weighted perfectly and within seconds went down, down, down. Another fish on. In a repeat performance, this one also busted off on the rock shelf behind me and took off in the backwash. I was left shaking my head. Lucky there was no-one around to see, but it was just one of those things. Next cast and on again. This fish gave me a good run but didn't feel like a typical blackfish fight. Reason was that it was a trevally, taken on cabbage. I have caught them before, as well as tailer and bream on cabbage. It went a little quiet after that initial burst of activity, but I ended up catching 10 fish in the next 2 hours. I released 6 of them and kept four for myself and a neighbour who wanted to try blackfish. Biggest one today went 41cm. Measured him on the rule and when I took the photo with my phone, it slipped off. It was actually 41.5cm but I always round down
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2011, 11:15 PM
kk how come ewe never invite Fed along
He's got a new rod he's hanging to try out
Jan 16 2011, 11:23 PM
He'd drop all his cigarette butts into the rock pools and foul the place up. Besides, the walk in is about 500m so he would probably kark it on the way.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 16 2011, 11:30 PM
He was walking funny 2day
Asked Seafairy where he kept his Russian
Well wot a stupid Q that was
Jan 16 2011, 11:35 PM
good one Klaus, your nack of catching nigggers is becoming legendary, I can't weight till I retire and come for a fish with you and the rest of the members. just 2years 3 months and 5 days counting them down one day at a time
Jan 16 2011, 11:57 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Jan 17 2011, 06:35 PM)

good one Klaus, your nack of catching nigggers is becoming legendary, I can't weight till I retire and come for a fish with you and the rest of the members. just 2years 3 months and 5 days counting them down one day at a time
Paul. Do you think you might be able to make it to Nelligan Next month mate?.
Room in my boat for you and possom.
KK You and your bloody Niggers, oh well I spose someones gotta catch them.
Jan 17 2011, 08:39 PM
Almost seems like I am the only one catching something

Some folks go out and spend the whole day fishing and bring back nuffin......
I enjoy it at the moment, Frank. Do want to get out and SP some flatties or get a jewie or two. Waiting for Sav to take me along some time, but he never calls lol.
Jumpus GooDarus
Jan 17 2011, 08:41 PM
Rumour has it that ewe walk up & down the rock platform downrigging for niggers
Is this true ????
Jan 17 2011, 09:27 PM
yes it is true, but my tackle is getting scratched up. My downrigger is getting floppy and the ball weight seems to be getting a little stretchier.