Distraction caused me to 4get the Scotty2Hotty's in the garage, didn't really know wot we were going to fush 4 on the day did pack sum pilly's & were going to stop off & get sum squiddy's 1/2 way there was when I noticed the Scotty2Hotty's not on board. so had to turn back.
Had planned to downrig the Fads in search of mahi but boat had a full arsenal of tackle on board, sum mates of mine had ling ling'd me early in the morn wanting to know if I'd want to go out for a fush with them told them I was allready on the water not long after they joined us @ my squid grounds.
Pretty sloppy conditions & they weren't really on the chew didn't want to waste the day there so started heading out to the peak Fad the boys gave it a nutter 10 minutes & followed.
Got to the Fad & saw a pair of shark baits in the water [bloody spear fishermen] these guys run floats to their gus on about 30 meters of cord & can see sum blews out there with fisho's pulling lures.
Thought bugger this & shot out to the with Fad boys allready there in the 42 ft'r just b4 us, I'd allready setup a spread of lures 1/2 mile short of the Fad they'd gone straight to it & droped the Scotty2Hotty.
Wun look @ the Fad & I started shaking my head

Then I saw those idiot spearo's come racing over they jumped in the water north of the Fad a minute or so later their boat was picking them up 100 meters or so Sth of it

We left the area with lure spread out & headed out wide was a bitch every time I started heading north boat speed would drop down to 3 or so knots the current was howling.
Back on the radio to the boys they were drifting @ over 5 knots impossible to stay on the Fad with downrigger, knew it was going to be a bitch of a day & also knew I wouldn't be able to pull lures to places I wanted to.
Water temp hit 25 degrees on the 100 fathom line & jumped to 25.6 deg when I got to the 500 meter drop difference there was best blue water I'd seen for sum time.
Decided to head sth to the canyons shut down wun moter & virtually iddled the udder on 2200 rpm & we were still pulling 9 knots with more importantly lures working well.
So far we hadn't seen a thing all day & canyon area was no better radio had a couple of boats ketching jellybean YFT & blind strike mahi & a short billed spearfish but it seemed action was up nth @ the bait station out of the Q for us esp in the raging current.
After a couple of laps @ the canyons decided to track back to the Pt Hacking Fad wot a bitch that was 2 hrs to do 5 miles en route the Booby Man awoke from his slumper from the sleepy sleepy bunks long enough to push Wozza out of the way & to play with the rod

I'd run a small bibless down the guts in hope of mahi but a fat wittle stripy had ET it instead

After that did see schools of baitfishy's on the surface did try working them but thought it a waste of time cause all we were doing was being carried sth @ a good rate of speed & would've finished off down pt kembla b4 to long so started making tracks for the Fad again.
Saw a few boils which turned out to be dolphins next thing they were everywhere & wouldn't leave us alone for next hr got to Fad finally did a few pass's & opted to call it a day current made it just to hard to fush out there.
Did stop off @ jibbon on way back in dropped a squid in for 20 minutes sounder didn't show a great deal so pulled in bait & headed back into the Bay
Hr or so @ Molly for rat girls