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Fishing oz style > Chat > Gilligan's Island
Jumpus GooDarus
Well peeps it finally arrived

Watch Out woywoycamel.jpg
You blurry iriot, I put the box out in the kitchen and after you left a neighbour came over, she is/was a really nice lady but a bit reserved. I watched her eyeballs swivel & lock onto the box then they grew as big as golfballs , then she left muttering something I couldn't understand.
well there go's the neighborhood, she will spread it high and low.

laugh.gif Paul laugh.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
QUOTE (Fed @ Jan 10 2011, 08:05 PM) *
then she left muttering something I couldn't understand.

And ewe reckon I'm the irriot ??

She was asking if the Russian Dick had a Shiny Head laugh.gif laugh.gif
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