Took all of 15 seconds to hook the first fish. Small nigger which went back. After that it sloowwwwwed right down. After a few hours, only had two big fish in the keeper net, got bitten off twice and lost two on the ledge. The Parole Officer had a donut, so as he was packing our gear up, I hooked a fish which had a solid take. Asked him to come back and hold my rod while I packed my other gear away. He got a surprise when the handles started spinning on the reel. I went and got my mobile phone to take a pic, but he had almost skull dragged the fish up before I took a pic. Decided to release all the fish and came back home, well toasted. Had a finger over the lens (where ever it is on the mobile???) Anyway, a good time was had and it was my first and possibly last time that I have fished on NY day...