My suzuki 85 runs good when started but after sitting at anchor
for an hour or so can be hard to start and the when idleing
is ok but when put in gear and go to accelerate it splutters and dies
then can either restart ok but dose the same thing
sometimes a little hard to start after a few times of this
Also after runnig acroos JB no worries slowwed down at boat ramp
and it stalled same thing started but died on acceleration
so need a mechanic
or some Good ideas (not Wombateras ones Jumpy)

Any way started fishing at greenwell point Bar outside closed
boats everwhere in the shoal haven so back on trailer to
JB NE wind very strong out around longnose only caught 2 lisards
and 1 scnapper (by spud)
more l8r
ANY ideas on mechanic or boat would be good