Dec 17 2010, 04:50 AM
Hey guys.
Went for a quick arvo fish today at Port Hacking, we had to test our new boat to see what needed to go and what could be done to improve it and being so close to xmas today is the only chance we had to test her. Left home at 3pm, forgot the phone, back home, got onto the m5, traffic bah bah bah, we finally got the boat in the water at 5pm.
Started the troll at Jibbion and kept on trolling with one deep driver out, and one cheap, pink skirt.
It took us a while to get the first fish in the boat, and the first fish caught in the boat took the deep driver.
Hi-Fives for the first fish, and tell you what not a bad little fight either !

Anyway, rods back out, and within 10 seconds bang ! on again, another Bonito. To cut a long story short we got 7 Bonito with one falling off the lure at the boat.
Always along the way we got a Kingie, 58cm, a rat but still a awesome fight what not !

Got the bugger in the net and the net broke.
Eh, it's seen alot of fish in it's day and looks like a might try and fix it and throw it in the tinny and i'll get a new one for the bigger boat.
Love the boat, btw.

Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 17 2010, 06:49 AM
traffic bah bah bah
I know wot caused all the traffic DanuSun !
With so many sheep on the m5 all the kiwi's raced to the area to see if they could get lucky
Dec 17 2010, 07:07 AM
There was a kiwi in my car that went fishing with us, never gave him shit about sheep but.

Oh and, the boat goes heaps better without the permatrim, but the problem is there are holes where the bolts use to go for the bloody thing ! what should i do about that ?
Dec 17 2010, 10:08 AM
Glad the boat went better, the holes won't cause any harm but if you don't like the look of them you can fill them up and paint it. Now all I have to do is remember the name of the fill stuff, it's like plasticine that you knead up and then it sets like a rock. Someone will know what it's called.
Well done on blooding the boat.
Dec 17 2010, 12:10 PM
chemiweld will do the job, not sure that's the way its spelt

Dec 17 2010, 02:22 PM
The filler epoxy is called Knead it.
Dec 17 2010, 02:36 PM
I think that's the one Sumo I think it comes in 2 types, alloy or steel.
Permatex have a kneadit type one too.
Chemiweld is radiator goop Poly, close but no cigar.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 17 2010, 02:57 PM
DevconPretty dear for wot ewe get
Sikaflex will fill holes just fine, just run a slightly oversize drill through holes 1st to get rid of corrosion left by s/s bolts or use a round file
unlike silicon sikaflex can be painted over
There was a kiwi in my car that went fishing with us
weren't wearing anything woollen were
ewe DanuSun ???
Dec 18 2010, 11:49 PM
Thanks guys, how about just putting some smaller stainless screws in there ? Can't stand the look of the holes aha.
Bees Knees
Dec 19 2010, 12:08 AM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Dec 19 2010, 06:49 PM)

Thanks guys, how about just putting some smaller stainless screws in there ? Can't stand the look of the holes aha.
Dan, they just gave you the 2 best answers.. Pick one. Trust me, they both work!
Re; permatrim... Same thing happened with mine... Im glad it worked out for you
Dec 19 2010, 12:21 AM
Thanks guys.
We got the same speed we did last trip but we had an extra bloke in the boat (100kg) full tank of fuel (60litres=60kg) and fishing gear, and the steering was alot lighter.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 19 2010, 12:48 AM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Dec 19 2010, 06:49 PM)

how about just putting some smaller stainless screws in there ?
That's wot a twit top would du
Go right ahead but 12 months down the track when ewe put up a thread asking why all the paint is bubbling up around the screws
I'm just going to

Dec 19 2010, 03:53 AM

Alright mate, sounds good to me, will do as you say.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 21 2010, 12:03 AM
Got the bugger in the net and the net broke.
Eh, it's seen alot of fish in it's day and looks like a might try and fix it and throw it in the tinny and i'll get a new one for the bigger boat.
Ewe sirry twit top
Cant be fixed
Have a doz or so in the garage all without handles, if your pole is 25 mm dia ewe can have wun as it will fit
Dec 21 2010, 01:10 AM
Heard a rumor you're thinking about importing a Lowrance Dan, Google "geofencing lowrance".
Dec 21 2010, 08:49 AM
Hey jumpy, i'll have a look at it tomorrow mate, thanks

Yeah Fed, seriously considering it for the dollars, it seems to be perfect for me, till i step up in a boat when i'm older/working and can have 2 units and all the flasy gear.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 21 2010, 12:40 PM
QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Dec 22 2010, 03:49 AM)

when i'm older/working and can have 2 units and all the flasy gear.

I can get ewe a job @ the post office licking stamps
Dec 21 2010, 03:15 PM
That's alot of stamps to get the boat mate
Dec 21 2010, 04:21 PM
Not wanting to nag you Dan but tell me you're at least aware of the imported Lowrance geofencing issues.
Bees Knees
Dec 21 2010, 05:13 PM
QUOTE (Fed @ Dec 22 2010, 11:21 AM)

Not wanting to nag you Dan but tell me you're at least aware of the imported Lowrance geofencing issues.
He didnt read it Fed...
Dec 21 2010, 07:04 PM
Awwh sorry, i got woken up after 5 hours sleep when i read your reply mate, i googled it, i don't get it, if they imply it, will my unit just stop working ? or will it be on all new units made with it built in or something ? :S
Dec 21 2010, 11:46 PM
I don't know much about it Dan that's why I suggested you use Google to get your answers.
As I understand it an imported Lowrance unit will only read in American, MPH, distance in Miles, depth in Feet etc.
I believe there is also a permanent flashing sign on the screen saying you're using the GPS out of it's proper area (USA).
From what I can tell there's a lot of problems with imported Lowrance stuff at the moment so find out all about it before committing money & be careful.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 22 2010, 12:13 AM
I looked up the definition Lowrance Sounders in the Oxford Dicktionary
A 2nd class piece of electronic equipment people buy cause it's cheaper than the good stuff
Same people brag about their 2nd class piece of electronic equipment to justify their $$'s spent
In their defense those people have never used good electronic equipment so they dont know any better
Ewe cant be told DanuSun can ewe ????
There's no need to get a combo @ present, if $$'s aren't available then spend them on just a GPS unit & for god's sake dont buy it from oversea's
Mr Shiny Head has given ewe a heads up allready but only a partial wun
Here's more for ewe to think about
Only those settings can be changed to suit Aust is by replacing the motherboard unless you've got & can use a Eprom burner & if ewe do that then ewe void the warranty.
Speaking of warranty if needed the unit has to be sent back to place of purchase @ owners expense dont expect the importer here to help ewe out.
A bit of history on these lowrances, I knew the chappy who 1st setup lowrance in Aust tha was many moons ago, pete had the common sense to sell the buisness long long time ago.
I have owned lowrance & have to honestly say they aren't up to scratch, lost count how many times mine & other mates units had to go back for repairs.
3 years ago sum ting like 500 lowrance sounders all stuffed up around the same time & lowrance aust left their customers high & dry & up shit creek
Lowrance sounders were designed in the USA for fresh water use they cannot handle salt water the way furuno's & others can
Du ewe still want to buy a lowrance ??
Even worse, from oversea's ????
Dec 22 2010, 03:57 AM
Alright, there is some really good points in there.
That sounds alot better, so i think i know what i'll do, i'll buy a GPS here in January, then later on in the year (I'm getting a job this year) i'll replace the Depth Sounder.
It's a good point and i think it would be good to have both units, if i just wait a while for the sounder, the boat will be alot better off for it.
Alright, thanks again, i'll look into some GPS units this week and get back to you
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 22 2010, 05:19 AM
Ewe can get away with buying sum items overseas
In my book Not Electronics tu finicky a device esp in a goat like yours where salt water can get to it.
Dec 22 2010, 06:14 AM
Bought my Garmin GPS tracking system from the US and had no problems? WOrks just fine with Aussie maps ;)
But only because you cant buy them at all in AUS... If they were available here i would have paid the extra and had warrenty and support if somthing went wrong..
Dec 22 2010, 11:34 AM
hey tywit top ,when searching on the net whack the word "reviews " after what your searching for and that helps to get a feedback from buyers on there thoughts as well mate ,,it may help,,cheers jas
Dec 22 2010, 01:14 PM
Hey Daniel, I bought a Northstar (Navman) Explorer 657, they are made in New Zealand, all aussie map and will take expansion cards I actually bought mine from Malasya it was cheaper than Aus or NZ.
Dec 22 2010, 10:37 PM
hay sumo do you have a link to that Malayan mob.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 23 2010, 04:07 AM
QUOTE (Rumpus @ Dec 23 2010, 01:14 AM)

Bought my Garmin GPS tracking system from the US and had no problems? WOrks just fine with Aussie maps ;)
Ewe talking hand held spud ??
I've had Garmin gear on the wittle blue goat for around 10 years with no probs @ all nor have I heard of any probs
My beef is with lowrance gear which I honestly think is rubbish & to add to that I was on the ling ling with Jellybean 2day just a pre xmas chat.
This thread may have been in the back of my mind cause last year I took him shopping to spend a bit of his $$'s on a sounder couldn't recall wot or why the exist unit was being replaced so i popped the Q.
Old unit was a lowrance & the exact words of the gret Jelly Beana was **It was F******* worked only now & then
New they were there just couldn't recall wot they were was down @ Chorlios's 2day & had a look, yep 3 lowrance units all of which had shat themselves & replaced with new units.
Hey Daniel, I bought a Northstar (Navman) Explorer 657, they are made in New Zealand, all aussie map and will take expansion cards I actually bought mine from Malasya it was cheaper than Aus or NZ
Ewe can correct me if I'm wrong SUMO
Didn't ewe buy 3 of them & they were giving ewe probs ??
Ewe got them on Ebay if memory serves me correctly
Dec 23 2010, 04:28 AM
Jesus mate, don't think i'll go near a Lowrance.
I have had a Lowrance on my Angler for 2/3 years, it only cost me $300 but now i think about it, the plug in the back is starting to rust, and the unit sometimes wouldn't turn on, i didn't even think of that !
Garmin sounds the go for me.
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 23 2010, 01:07 PM
the plug in the back is starting to rust
Should use grease on the plugs preferably Lanolin grease, coats the pins & stops them from tarnashing giving ewe a cleaner contact
Dec 23 2010, 01:38 PM
More grist for the mill.
Should use grease on the plugs preferably Lanolin grease
I'm a Vaso kind of guy but I can understand your attraction to Lanolin, BAAA!
Jumpus GooDarus
Dec 23 2010, 07:25 PM
So ewe use vasso o your plug hey Fed ????
Wot do ewe use that jar of ky gel I saw on the table @ your place the udder day ??????????????????
Dec 24 2010, 12:55 PM
KY Gel is best used as rubber grease Jumpy.
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