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Fishing oz style > Chat > Introductions
Hi Guys,
Just wan't to let everyone know I'm Back, I've been missing for about 12 months, due to the fact that I had a couple of PC problems and replaced a couple of PC's and Haven't been able to find or log into the site, and also having a few long trips away, but now I have found the site again and it has let me log in again, looking forward to catching up with you fisho's in the near future. Regards SUMO.
Welcome back mate,

How are things up North.. Been quite a while since we travelled up that way...
Sumo who?
I thought you got banned.
Never knew you were having trouble finding the site mate, you should have let me know and I would have given you a link.
Anyhow welcome back
Wellcome back mate
Thanks all, Rumpus all is good up north now the drought has broken into floods, Hey FED I thought they only banned members out Milperra way.
Jumpus GooDarus
the drought has broken into floods,

So the Flathead have left the river & made their way into the paddocks

How are the potato paddocks ????

Is spuds paddock under water hysterical.gif
Welcome back mate. smile.gif
and its about time to old mate

hysterical.gif Paul hysterical.gif
No Flathead under the manilla bridge now, all got washed down to Greenwell Point
QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Dec 18 2010, 08:09 AM) *
No Flathead under the manilla bridge now, all got washed down to Greenwell Point

Stuffed up double posted trying to Quick edit
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