Cant recall last time I've seen the bloody water so dirty & for such a long time not since they moved the Murks out to sea.
I know we've had alot of rain but most of this crap is from the terminal works @ pt botany plics have the pumps going night & day.
Knot Happy Jan !
Tis been a couple of weeks since I'd wet a line & 4 sum unexplained reason I couldn't do anymore sleepies & it was 6 am this was yesterday the day B4 Tuday which is Munday, thought wot the hell & joined the weekend warriors.
No wind @ all & was misguided in thinking water may have had sum clarity esp coming up to the high tide a few casts in the bay 4 squids & I packed it away shot outside to my favoured squiddy spot water was just as dirty there as in the bay my way of tinking is if ewe cant see the kelp on the bottom tis a waste of time.
I'd packed a few squids from the freezer & opted to D/rig those back inside the bay, no probs finding the baitfishys but no girls under them wotsoever sounder said so.
Dont like wasting my time so thought wot the heck a run down to the hacking was in order figured water may be a bit cleaner there dosen't dirty up like the bay + outside on the jibbon bommy may be holding some girls.
Just arrived @ the jibbon point when these 2 guys in a yak started waving ballistically @ me so changed course 2wards them 2 of their mates had gotten a wee bit close to the point & a wave had bowled them over [unlike the ozzy bowlers in Adelaide]
Yak was the outrigger type & it broke in 2 pieces on the rocks, wun of the huwicanui guys had made up on the rocks other was still in the was velly close to the breakers got as close as I could & yelled to him to swim out.
Thought of using the gaff to get him into the boat
His mate was still standed & had started carrying the canoe around to the wittle beach 100 or so meters inside so I tilted the motor up lowered the lecky & was able to get pretty close.
B4 the guy I'd picked jumped back in to go give his mate a hand I'd tied a float onto the achor rope for him which they used to tie to the yak once secured they swam back into my goat & I towed them back to Gudjamutta Bay.
Guy originally up on rock got away with only a few scratch's & a bit of bruising velly lucky other guy cause he swam out instead of in was unharmed.
These 2 had originally paddled down to Marly I had to ask Dont ewe guys wear life jackets ??
We have them in our Bum Bags was the reply !
I just shook my head & said no GooDarus in your Bum Bags
Anyways that over I went looking for Squiddys water was still dirty & opted to drift the ribbon weed instead of my usual spot supprings did quite well 2 boot considering I couldn't see the bottom all I can say must've been quite a few there I nabbed 10 or so good bait size wittle wuns & snuck out to Jibbon bommy gave it 1hr or so but nutting came up on sounder no bait no girls.
Stuff this was going to call it a day got back inside the bay & thought I'd give Cha Lee a ling ling yep he was in the bay fushing for Brimski's & had done quite well doz or so.
I did sneaky sneaky over to his spot & got him to hold up a couple
Not bad Brimski's I thought so decided not to go in Char Lee was nearly ready to call it a day he left & I decided to re-anchor wot a Boo Boo that was prop choped my rope lost my plough anchor.
I could see the rope in the water [bottom of the tide only 1.5 meters] but wasn't going to jump in , didn't fancy swimming after the boat in the arvo breeze tried hooking rope with a jig to no avail so marked the spot on GPS.
Now that was a Plic of a Sunday
Got home went looking for my Dive gear sorted that out out + the boat
Thought I'd go straight to the anchor fetch it then go do a bit of crabbing tuday & have a bream fush afterwards
So much for that idea was in the water for 1/2 hr & couldn't see more than a meter in front of me so went & dropped the witchy hats.
Thought I'd kill an hr tossing sum plastics for sum Flat wuns did get 2 not bad wuns, came back to check hats moreso to see which wuns had crabs in them Bees the plic wouldn't tell me where he'd left his shimano undies his last trip out
2 of the hats had crabs 2 in each so I moved the 3 untouched hats to that area & went back to my lost anchor spot twas a bit slow actually non existant fish wise but the water did look alot cleaner now that the tide had dropped so I went swimmys again, visibility wasn't that bad this time but I failed to find my lost Anky.
Swam back to the goat rebaited & I started ketching brimski's mind ewes nut ting to rav on about all legal best 29 cm's [ really think fisheries need to make 30 cm's the legal size] 25 cm's is bullshit.
Caught around a doz & all went back to feed up on live Kungy's B4 I ketch them again
Think the Hilite was this wittle bugger of around 27 cm's he went well on the 3 kg stick really bent the rod thought it was much bigger esp when I got epsy of an object in the water.
This brurry Crocadile of around 80 cm's + was trying to ET the wittle brim
Time to call it a day Witchy Poo's had been in a couple of hrs time to pick them up & go home.
Jackpot every witchy had @ least 3 crabs in it
Kept a doz sum were to small & quite a few looked like this so they went back to re-popute Bees Lucky Shimano undies 4 next time