First time on the site in ages, i finished my exams (school certificate) and i am signed out of school for the rest of the year now. So after getting some other issues out of the way, i am getting back into doing some more fishing, so today me and dad headed out to the bay.
First stop at around 8, we were fishing at the breakwall, one whole squid on the bottom, one floated out in the burley trail, with 2 rods out for Bream/Flatties with prawns for bait.
An hour and a half later, no bites, and no one around us catching anything, we thought we'd do a troll outside, so i set up 2 Xmas trees lures, 1 blue, 1 pink.
Anyways, we put the lures out at the drums, and planned to troll along the rocky headlands, around to boat point and back, but within 5 minutes my rod (1500 Sonora, 4lb mono, i was asking for trouble) started screaming. (The other rod had my 4000 BaitrunnerD with 15lb mono)
After a lot of runs, chasing with the boat, i seen a Kingie around 70cm at the boat, but as soon as he seen me, he screamed off again but this time he didn't stop (Must of found a reef or something) and busted me off. Couldn't believe it, would of been my first legal Kingie, but far out it was fun on the light gear.
Anyways, i got some footage of it on the Camcorder, i'll edit a video and put it on YouTube.

We kept trolling around for another 2 hours, and got nothing, so we went for a quick drift at Towra point, it was windy, cold, and i just wanted to get in.
Anyway, with all that done, i got a few weeks free, Jumpy you got 2 spare spots in your boat to teach me and dad something about Kingies ? We are getting a new boat soon and i am thinking of investing in a Downrigger. Any tips or help would be appreciated.