Wot goose gets up b4 the sun does I ask ?????????????
It's a 5 hr donkey ride from where Bees lives just to get to my place, 7 if the donkey has to pull his goat as well 4cast said rain & I wasn't going to get wet so said leave goat behing & we'll go in the Jumpus.
Tis been a while & after fushing wittle goat of late cant help noticing how much room is on big goat not to mention the power of twins finally got the chance to really give them a run.
Did not like the big tides of yesterday wun wittle bit a 1.9 @ 9.30 am
Knew we'd also miss turn if we wnt in search of squiddys so pulled 1/2 doz out of the freezer, wize move cause bay was filfy & they would've been hard to ketch esp Bee Ying handicapped by having DuckMan on board

Got to molly & didn't really look to crash hot, lack of baitfush showing on sounder gave it 1/2 hr there then pulled up the bomb & ran over to where I've been doing plitty good of late.
Baitfish were there just not as thick as previous trips, finally rigger clip broke free we'd had 1st hit but it was only a wittle girl & et the squid's head leaving the cone, pulled out anothe squid this time pinning head with trailing hook as squid was a dead bait.
Got bored after 1/2 hr girls weren't really about so pulled in beaut day on the water & wind was @ minimal good opp to run nth & get some live squid, didn't take long had 7 or so in the boat only wun being small enough to use as bait.
Naturally Jumpus did all the ketching whilst Bees was velly busy ketcting rocks & live squid jig eating weed, did line Bees with wun of the squid & he got ZOTTED

Twas prob not a good idea on my behalve cause the black ink gave him the impression that he was Will Smith & for the rest of the day i had to put up with him singing
Na Na Na Na NaNa
I got Squiddy Wit It
For sum reason squids shut down after an hr only logical explanation was Bees singing soran out to a reef i fish & know holds girls pulled squid around for an hr plenty of bait on the sounder but no girls so decided to anchor up & baitfush, good readings on snapper on bottom also got the spin gear out 2nd flick i came up solid that was my cue
Na Na Na Na NaNa
I got Jiggy wit it
Felt like a not bad fish few head shakes thought nice snappy tom but it was a bloody big Fed Baker @ least it was red.
Alot of algae about yesterday which i dont like so decided to head back into the bay to ketch the arvo tide turn below average session plenty of undersized snappy toms blurters were thin in no's but good value on the light gear few not bad sized tailor jumpus got a nice brimski.
Classic of the day was when i ketched a wittle Pt Jackson shark, Bees got all exited esp when 2 big clasps weren't pretruding out & made the comment
Finally a PJ that dosen't have a CLASP that's bigger than mine
Naturally I started

But did comfort Bees by telling him that his MAN BOOBIES were bigger than hers

ps] lost pics on other pc which went down last night haven't bothered tryng to get it going