Oh exept for for the crim hu ketch's vegi mite tarian dooberlacky thingys

I went fushing tu day had to try out a new pair of high heels
Squiddy's were a bit of a prob 75% of them were horses but did manage 8 goody goody wittle wuns
Flat seas & I was back in the bay in no time just as i arrived ph went ling ling, bloody chris from sea sea telling me porky's said he was going to take the rest of the day off & wanted me to pick him up from yarra so i could show him how to ketch fishys.
I'm not sirry & told him to ling ling me back when he was 10 minutes away
Anyways 2 & 1/2 hrs later he ling lings to say he's 10 minutes away
This is the reason I never make plans with anywun nor do I wait for anybloodys

Well to bad for him cause he missed out on all the girly fush all my 8 baits went off resulting in 5 girls landed there was Toola, Coula, Voola, Sooola hu were realeased all legal by the way but I kept Agapi she was bleeding & I had no libra's on board

Did give the Scotty@Hotty another 1/2 hr when chris finally got on board but it was to late run out tide was well & trully moving by then & what that generally means unless it's a small tide baitfish disappear into less running water so tis more luck than good hunting to find the girly fush.
Mind ewes I was geady to call it a day but felt solly for chorlios cause it's been that long since he's caught a fush prob didn't know wot they looked like

With nutting really on our side told him best chance of some fishy's now were to chase sum blurters & that's wot we did
Got sum not bad wuns @ that along with bonito & sum undersized snappy toms

They were a bit of fun for an hr or so & we called it a day dropped chorlios back off @ Yarra bay & headed back to the ramp when sum ting blue caught my eye
Tickle me fanny it was my old goat, well john got a stiffy when he saw me slow down & head his way
Had to ask him how big his stiffy was & he said it was