Late start because low tide wasn’t until 14:10. Still managed to get down to the boat ramp at about 08.00.
Even managed to get a load of washing on the line before we left.
Isn’t it funny that when you are NOT in a rush you work more quickly?
Knew it was going to be different
We had launched the boat and we were just about to push off from the wharf and what did we see coming down the river?
3 Army gun boats (30 ft ribs with front mounted BIG guns – like you see on Sea Patrol) with full crews in battle dress “gunning it” down the river! Boy did they ever put out some serious wash! FED only managed a shot of their wake.

That was before we even started!
Knew it was going to be different
Then when we arrived in the Bay! (Technically speaking it is still the Georges River.) Just past the St George Sailing Club between the first and second red channel markers before you reach Towra Pt, there were fins in the water. One rather close to a bloke in a tinny. So we slowed down to see what was going on … if they had been sharks I don’t know what we would have done if the bloke had gone into the water.
NO! Not sharks but a small pod of dolphins … mum, dad and junior between them and a couple of others. The pup was so cute and small, about the size of a decent kingie! Haven’t viewed the video yet to see if I got any shots of them.
Knew it was going to be different
Then just off Ramsgate there were these “birds” floating around in the channel … Mother duck and her ducklings. Give me a break … it wasn’t even 9am!
Knew it was going to be different
Just a bit early to anchor up so decided to go for a troll outside … once out of the wash from the mouth of the bay it was quite smooth out there. Caught a couple of bonito with quite a few fish on the sounder. Should have loaded up with more fuel, it was calm enough to do a few laps. Came back in and headed for Bare Is.
Still too early to anchor up at the Bombie so we went over to Suction for a cuppa and to rig our rods. That was the last quiet moment we had.
Knew it was going to be different
Anchored up at the spot given to us by Mr Jumpus, berleying up; all was quiet for about for about 30 mins with an occasional bite and then ...POW!
Then came the fishies … all I could do for the first 40 mins was catch shovel nosed sharks and a wobbegong AND lose hooks… mean while FED was landing trevally hand over fist.
All he kept saying was …”the fish will start biting soon …”

Lost a few good sized fish and got broken off a few times as well. Quite a few under-sized reddies out there. At one stage we could only manage one rod each as there were so many hook-ups. Took me 15 mins to re-rig one rod. The other one just kept going off!
3 hours of fun …

Knew it was going to be different
So crept back to the safety of the river with chop and wind up our rear and headed home.
Final fish keeper tally:-
6 (good sized) trevally and a couple of bonito for bait.
Final viewing tally:-
3 armed Army ribs
1 pod of dolphins with pup
1 batch of ducks swimming in the Bay
1 Coast Guard vessel up the Georges R.
1 Police boat checking out the bathers on Little Congwong Beach
3 idiots on PWCs causing havoc to boaters launching/retrieving boats just to show off to their mates
Knew it was going to be different … but it was a GREAT DAY!